What is this?
editarSorry to write in English. I am from Turkey. I am not a gastronomer or a professional cook but yes a recognized connoisseur of Turkish cuisine. Here, in this WP, I see articles having links to Turkish cuisine with names that I have never heard of. I wonder which "reliable sources" have been used to make these claims. Probably "blogs" or other personal essays create these misunderstandings. There is no such thing as "Kleicha" in the Turkish cuisine. If there is something similar (that frankly I do not know) its Turkish name must be written. Did you translate this from En:WP? There it says "iguaria nacional do Iraque e na Arábia Saudita", but for a mystery here it is "Iraque and Turquia". I am correcting it. Obrigad@. --E4024 (discussão) 23h04min de 1 de setembro de 2019 (UTC)