Ficheiro:2025 Palisades Fire map.png

Imagem numa resolução maior (4 250 × 5 500 píxeis, tamanho: 22,01 MB, tipo MIME: image/png)

Descrição do ficheiro

English: A map of the extent of the 2025 Palisades Fire, which killed at least one person and destroyed more than 5,000 structures in Los Angeles County, Southern California
Origem Obra do próprio
Autor Penitentes



Wildfire perimeter

Wildfire perimeters were generated in QGIS using either Fire and Resource Assessment Program data provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) or Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Services (WFIGS) data provided by the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC).

Public domain
This work was created by a government unit (including state, county, city, and municipal government agencies) that derives its powers from the laws of the State of California and is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act (Government Code § 6250 et seq.). It is a public record that was not created by an agency which state law has allowed to claim copyright, and is therefore in the public domain in the United States.
Records subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code § 6250 et seq.) "Public records" include "any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics." (Cal. Gov't. Code § 6252(e).) notes that "[a]ll public records are subject to disclosure unless the Public Records Act expressly provides otherwise." County of Santa Clara v. CFAC California Government Code § 6254 lists categories of documents not subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. In addition, computer software is not considered a public record, while data and statistics collected (whether collected knowingly or unknowingly) by a government authority whose powers derive from the laws of California are public records (such as license plate reader images) pursuant to EFF & ACLU of Southern California v. Los Angeles Police Department & Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and are not exempt from disclosure and are public records.

Although the act only covers “writing,” the Act, pursuant to Government Code § 6252(g), states: “Writing” means any handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, photocopying, transmitting by electronic mail or facsimile, and every other means of recording upon any tangible thing any form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combinations thereof, and any record thereby created, regardless of the manner in which the record has been stored.

Agencies permitted to claim copyright

California's Constitution and its statutes do not permit any agency to claim copyright for "public records" unless authorized to do so by law. The following agencies are permitted to claim copyright and any works of these agencies should be assumed to be copyrighted outside of the United States without clear evidence to the contrary:

County of Santa Clara v. CFAC held that the State of California, or any government entity which derives its power from the State, cannot enforce a copyright in any record subject to the Public Records Act in the absence of another state statute giving it the authority to do so. This applies even if there is a copyright notice, so long as the State of California or one of its agencies (other than those listed above) is indicated as the copyright holder.

Note: Works that are considered "public records" but were not created by a state or municipal government agency may be copyrighted by their author; the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution prevents state law from overriding the author's right to copyright protection that is granted by federal law. For example, a state agency may post images online of the final appearance of a building under construction; while the images may have to be released by such agency since they are public records, their creator (eg. architecture/construction firm) retains copyright rights to these images unless the contract with the agency says otherwise. See: Government-in-the-Sunshine Manual: To what extent does federal law preempt state law regarding public inspection of records?.

Copyrightable Works by the State in the United States: Works published by agencies that are permitted to claim copyright per state law should be tagged with {{PD-US-GovEdict}} instead of this template due to the reasons listed on that template.

Disclaimer: The information provided, especially the list of agencies permitted to claim copyright, may not be complete. Wikimedia Commons makes no guarantee of the adequacy or validity of this information in this template (see disclaimer).
Public domain
Esta obra encontra-se no domínio público nos Estados Unidos por ser uma obra do Governo Federal dos EUA nos termos do Título 17, Capítulo 1, Secção 105 do US Code. Veja Copyright. Nota: Este estatuto apenas se aplica a obras do Governo Federal, e não a obras de nenhum estado, condado, subdivisão ou município.
Este ficheiro foi considerado livre de restrições conhecidas devidas a direitos de autor, incluindo todos os direitos conexos.

Terrain hillshade

Hillshades were generated in QGIS using the 3DEP Bare Earth DEM Dynamic Service provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Public domain
Esta imagem está no domínio público porque ela contém materiais originalmente provenientes do Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos, uma agência do Departamento do Interior dos Estados Unidos. Para mais informações, veja a política oficial da USGS em relação a direitos autorais

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Water bodies

Water bodies were generated in QGIS using data from the USGS National Hydrography Dataset.

Public domain
Esta imagem está no domínio público porque ela contém materiais originalmente provenientes do Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos, uma agência do Departamento do Interior dos Estados Unidos. Para mais informações, veja a política oficial da USGS em relação a direitos autorais

Bahasa Indonesia  català  čeština  Deutsch  eesti  English  español  français  galego  italiano  Nederlands  português  polski  sicilianu  suomi  Tiếng Việt  Türkçe  български  македонски  русский  മലയാളം  한국어  日本語  中文  中文(简体)  中文(繁體)  العربية  فارسی  +/−

Peaks and summits

Peak and summit points were generated in QGIS using data from the USGS Geographic Names Information System. Proof of public domain status is located here (archive link).

Public domain
Esta imagem está no domínio público porque ela contém materiais originalmente provenientes do Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos, uma agência do Departamento do Interior dos Estados Unidos. Para mais informações, veja a política oficial da USGS em relação a direitos autorais

Bahasa Indonesia  català  čeština  Deutsch  eesti  English  español  français  galego  italiano  Nederlands  português  polski  sicilianu  suomi  Tiếng Việt  Türkçe  български  македонски  русский  മലയാളം  한국어  日本語  中文  中文(简体)  中文(繁體)  العربية  فارسی  +/−

National Forest boundaries

National forest boundaries were generated in QGIS using data from the United States Forest Service (USFS) FSGeodata Clearinghouse.

Public domain
This image is a work of the Forest Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.

National Park boundaries

National Park boundaries were generated in QGIS using data from National Park Service (NPS) Tools and Data.

Public domain Esta imagem ou ficheiro multimédia tem conteúdo baseado numa obra de um empregado do Serviço Nacional de Parques dos EUA, criada no âmbito dos deveres oficiais dessa pessoa. Por ser uma obra do governo federal dos EUA, ela está no domínio público nos Estados Unidos. Para mais informações, consulte NPS website e NPS copyright policy.

State and federal lands

Land ownership boundaries were generated in QGIS using data from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) [Fire and Resource Assessment Program.

Public domain
This work was created by a government unit (including state, county, city, and municipal government agencies) that derives its powers from the laws of the State of California and is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act (Government Code § 6250 et seq.). It is a public record that was not created by an agency which state law has allowed to claim copyright, and is therefore in the public domain in the United States.
Records subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code § 6250 et seq.) "Public records" include "any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics." (Cal. Gov't. Code § 6252(e).) notes that "[a]ll public records are subject to disclosure unless the Public Records Act expressly provides otherwise." County of Santa Clara v. CFAC California Government Code § 6254 lists categories of documents not subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. In addition, computer software is not considered a public record, while data and statistics collected (whether collected knowingly or unknowingly) by a government authority whose powers derive from the laws of California are public records (such as license plate reader images) pursuant to EFF & ACLU of Southern California v. Los Angeles Police Department & Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and are not exempt from disclosure and are public records.

Although the act only covers “writing,” the Act, pursuant to Government Code § 6252(g), states: “Writing” means any handwriting, typewriting, printing, photostating, photographing, photocopying, transmitting by electronic mail or facsimile, and every other means of recording upon any tangible thing any form of communication or representation, including letters, words, pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combinations thereof, and any record thereby created, regardless of the manner in which the record has been stored.

Agencies permitted to claim copyright

California's Constitution and its statutes do not permit any agency to claim copyright for "public records" unless authorized to do so by law. The following agencies are permitted to claim copyright and any works of these agencies should be assumed to be copyrighted outside of the United States without clear evidence to the contrary:

County of Santa Clara v. CFAC held that the State of California, or any government entity which derives its power from the State, cannot enforce a copyright in any record subject to the Public Records Act in the absence of another state statute giving it the authority to do so. This applies even if there is a copyright notice, so long as the State of California or one of its agencies (other than those listed above) is indicated as the copyright holder.

Note: Works that are considered "public records" but were not created by a state or municipal government agency may be copyrighted by their author; the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution prevents state law from overriding the author's right to copyright protection that is granted by federal law. For example, a state agency may post images online of the final appearance of a building under construction; while the images may have to be released by such agency since they are public records, their creator (eg. architecture/construction firm) retains copyright rights to these images unless the contract with the agency says otherwise. See: Government-in-the-Sunshine Manual: To what extent does federal law preempt state law regarding public inspection of records?.

Copyrightable Works by the State in the United States: Works published by agencies that are permitted to claim copyright per state law should be tagged with {{PD-US-GovEdict}} instead of this template due to the reasons listed on that template.

Disclaimer: The information provided, especially the list of agencies permitted to claim copyright, may not be complete. Wikimedia Commons makes no guarantee of the adequacy or validity of this information in this template (see disclaimer).


Roads were generated in QGIS using Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team data.

Contém dados cartográficos © OpenStreetMap e seus contribuidores, disponibilizados com a Licença de Base de Dados Aberta (Open Database License, ODbL).

A ODbL não exige nenhuma licença especial para os mapas criados a partir de dados ODbL; os blocos de mapas produzidos pela fundação OpenStreetMap são disponibilizados com a licença CC-BY-SA-2.0, mas mapas produzidos por outras pessoas podem estar sujeitos a outras licenças.

State, county, and place boundaries

State, county, and place boundaries were generated in QGIS using United States Census Bureau data from the California Open Data Portal.

Public domain
Esta imagem ou arquivo é um trabalho de um funcionário do Departamento do Censo dos Estados Unidos, obtida ou criada como parte dos deveres oficiais desta pessoa. Como uma obra do Governo dos Estados Unidos, a imagem é de domínio público.

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Final map

Eu, titular dos direitos de autor desta obra, publico-a com a seguinte licença:
Creative Commons CC-Zero A utilização deste ficheiro é regulada nos termos Creative Commons - CC0 1.0 Dedicação Universal ao Domínio Público.
A pessoa que associou uma obra a este documento dedicou-a ao domínio público, renunciando a todos os seus direitos sobre a obra em todo o mundo ao abrigo da legislação de direitos de autor, incluindo a todos os direitos legais conexos, na medida permitida por lei. Pode copiar, modificar, distribuir e executar a obra, até com fins comerciais, sem pedir autorização.


Adicione uma explicação de uma linha do que este ficheiro representa
A map of the extent of the 2025 Palisades Fire, which killed at least nine people and destroyed more than 3,000 structures in Los Angeles County, Southern California

Elementos retratados neste ficheiro


Histórico do ficheiro

Clique uma data e hora para ver o ficheiro tal como ele se encontrava nessa altura.

Data e horaMiniaturaDimensõesUtilizadorComentário
atual20h46min de 19 de janeiro de 2025Miniatura da versão das 20h46min de 19 de janeiro de 20254 250 × 5 500 (22,01 MB)Penitentesremoved author credit, added 2021 Palisades and 2024 Franklin fire burn areas
03h38min de 12 de janeiro de 2025Miniatura da versão das 03h38min de 12 de janeiro de 20254 250 × 5 500 (21,41 MB)Penitentesupdated fire perimeter
15h47min de 10 de janeiro de 2025Miniatura da versão das 15h47min de 10 de janeiro de 20254 250 × 5 500 (21,27 MB)PenitentesUploaded own work with UploadWizard

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