Ficheiro:36th Infanterie Division Logo.svg

Imagem numa resolução maior (ficheiro SVG, de 239 × 288 píxeis, tamanho: 770 byte)

Descrição do ficheiro

Русский: Эмблема 36-й пехотной дивизии вермахта
English: Logo of the 36th German Infanterie Division, 2 World War
Deutsch: Truppenkennzeichen 36. Infanterie-Division, 2. Weltkrieg
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Autor Vasyatka1
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Public domain
This file depicts the coat of arms of a German Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (corporation governed by public law). According to § 5 Abs. 1 of the German Copyright law, official works like coats of arms or flags are gemeinfrei (in the public domain). Since the Federal Republic of Germany is the legal successor of the Weimar Republic as well as of the "Third Reich" this law is also applicable to flags and coat of arms promulgated before 1945.
Note: The usage of coats of arms and flags (especially those of the "Third Reich") is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the copyright status of the depiction shown here.

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288 pixel

239 pixel

Histórico do ficheiro

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Data e horaMiniaturaDimensõesUtilizadorComentário
atual07h51min de 10 de maio de 2011Miniatura da versão das 07h51min de 10 de maio de 2011239 × 288 (770 byte)Vasyatka1

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