Ficheiro:Austria locator map (1000).svg

Imagem numa resolução maior (ficheiro SVG, de 1 875 × 1 815 píxeis, tamanho: 5,74 MB)

Descrição do ficheiro

Este(a) desenho vetorial não especificado foi criado com o Inkscape .
English: A map of the Margraviate of Austria (German: Markgrafschaft Österreich; Old High German: Ostarrîchi) within the Duchy of Bavaria around the year 1000.

The map is derived from a vectorised version of one found in Professor G. Droysens Allgemeiner Historischer Handatlas, which was published in 1886 by R. Andrée Plate, and is now in the public domain.

Note that while it uses the same scheme as standard location/locator maps, this map technically does not conform to the standard, as it is not in equirectangular projection. Therefore grid lines for latitude and longitude are also included on the sub-map.
Origem File: own work
Data: File:Droysens-22-23.jpg
Autor Alphathon /ˈæɫfə.θɒn/ (talk)
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6 017 579 byte

1 815 pixel

1 875 pixel

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Data e horaMiniaturaDimensõesUtilizadorComentário
atual16h32min de 18 de maio de 2016Miniatura da versão das 16h32min de 18 de maio de 20161 875 × 1 815 (5,74 MB)Alphathon== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Inkscape}} {{Information |Description={{en|A map of the en:Margraviate of Austria (German: ''Markgrafschaft Österreich''; Old High German: ''Ostarrîchi'') within the Duchy of Bavaria around the year 1000. The map is...

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