This file has been extracted from another file: Bhumibol Adulyadej and Sirikit (1964.02.25).jpg. The source image was deleted for reasons that do not affect this image, like a derivative work which is not a part of this cropped image.
This is a photographic work, audiovisual recording, motion picture, sound recording, or broadcast work, and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication or it was not published within 50 years of authorship.
This is a work of applied arts, and at least 25 years have elapsed its first publication or it was not published within 25 years of authorship.
This is a work by a pseudonymous or anonymous author, and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication or it was not published within 50 years of authorship.
This is a work other than described above, and
Its last author died at least 50 years ago, or
Its last author died before publication and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication, or
The author is a legal entity, and at least 50 years have elapsed since the first publication of the work or the work was not published within 50 years of authorship.
This work was created or commissioned by the Thai Government, and at least 50 years have elapsed since its first publication or it was not published within 50 years of authorship.
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Observe que esta obra pode não estar em domínio público em países que não aplicam a regra do prazo mais curto e têm direitos autorais mais longos do que o tempo de vida do autor mais 50 anos. Em particular, o México tem 100 anos, a Jamaica tem 95 anos, a Colômbia tem 80 anos, a Guatemala e Samoa têm 75 anos, a Suíça e os Estados Unidos têm 70 anos e a Venezuela tem 60 anos.
Flag of Thailand
Adicione uma explicação de uma linha do que este ficheiro representa
Este ficheiro contém informação adicional, provavelmente adicionada a partir da câmara digital ou scanner utilizada para criar ou digitalizar a imagem. Caso o ficheiro tenha sido modificado a partir do seu estado original, alguns detalhes poderão não refletir completamente as mudanças efetuadas.
Tempo de exposição
0/1 seg (0)
Número F
Distância focal da lente
0 mm
Resolução horizontal
120 ppp
Resolução vertical
120 ppp
Software utilizado
ACD Systems Digital Imaging
Data e hora de modificação do ficheiro
15h50min de 14 de outubro de 2016
Cromatismo do ponto branco
Cromatismo das cores primárias
Coeficientes da matriz de transformação do espaço de cores