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Text Appearing After Image:EXECUTION OF A BOXER BY THE FRENCH TIENTSIN 29 merciful. No race on earth is capable of suchawful cruelty, such hellish devices of torture, as theChinese. And the unfortunate missionaries, theluckless wounded soldiers who fell into their hands,experienced treatment before which the worst devil-tries of the Red Indian seemed humane. Occasion-ally some of these fiends were captured by theAllies; often only the instruments, but sometimesthe instigators of the terrible outrages on Euro-peans, the mandarins who had spurred on themaddened Boxers to their worst excesses. Forthese no fitting punishment could be devised, anda swift death was too kind. But in the latter daysof the campaign too many suffered an unmeritedfate. The blood heated by the tales of Chinesecruelty at the outbreak of the troubles did notcool rapidly. The murders of the missionaries andcivil engineers, of the unhappy European women andchildren, could not be readily forgotten. The seedsown in those early days of the fanati
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13 de setembro de 2015
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A boxer is held with a ripe by a Chinese man, while the others cut his head off.