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English: Ferrofluid, a paramagnetic fluid composed of nanoscale ferromagnetic particles suspended in a carrier fluid, was placed onto a glass plate. The edges of the glass plate are visible at the bottom of the image. A powerful N40 neodymium magnet was placed under the glass along with an iron rod to steepen the field. Spikes form, in a phenomenon called normal field instability, where the magnetic forces are great enough to overcome gravity and surface tension to align the fluid in a magnetically ideal manner.
Canon 5D
100mm/f2.8 Macro at f/20
ISO 100, 1 second exposure
Background illumination provided by 240watts of 6500K high-cri fluorescent. Highlight illumination by photoflash reflected off a 4ft x 1.5 ft white matt panel, additional highlight illumination provided by a distant tungsten light and a set of deep violet LEDs at offset angles to preserve an appearance of depth otherwise lost in the 2D image.
RAW to 16bit conversion with dcraw
Slight rotation
Cropping to 4:3 aspect
Gain to bring background to white.
Minor cloning to remove sensor dust from background area
English: Ferrofluid, a paramagnetic fluid composed of nanoscale ferromagnetic particles suspended in a carrier fluid
Outros idiomas:
Asturianu: Fierrofluidu, un fluidu paramagnéticu compuestu por partícules ferromagnétiques suspendíes nun fluidu.
Čeština: Ferrofluidní kapalina sestávající z mikroskopických ferromagnetických částeček uvězněných v nosné kapalině
Deutsch: Ferrofluid, eine auf magnetische Felder reagierende Flüssigkeit bestehend aus Nanometer großen magnetischen Partikeln, die in einer Trägerflüssigkeit suspendiert sind.
English: Ferrofluid, a paramagnetic fluid composed of nanoscale ferromagnetic particles suspended in a carrier fluid
Español: Ferrofluido, un líquido paramagnético compuesto por partículas ferromagnéticas suspendidas en un fluido.
Esperanto: Ferofluidaĵo estas paramagneta likvaĵo el nanometraj magnetaj metaleroj naĝantaj en fluidaĵo
{{Information |Description=Ferrofluid under the influence of a strong/steep magnetic field. |Source=By uploader |Date=2006-07-10 |Author=Gregory F. Maxwell |Permission=GFDL-1.2 }} Only low res copy contributed for now to avoid quality problems on the ima
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