Ficheiro:HO Scale Bachmann 44-tonner.JPG

Imagem numa resolução maior (1 024 × 647 píxeis, tamanho: 355 kB, tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

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English: HO Scale GE 44-ton switcher made by Bachmann, shown with a pencil for scale. Before modification it is all yellow with safety stripes at the bottom and a dark gray roof. I modified it by repainting the roof yellow and adding the lettering with Woodland Scenic dry transfer decals. "USN 65-00835" is a fictional engine number; however it was modeled after the prototypical navy style, similar to the center cabs at Norfolk Naval Shipyard. I also added a builder's plate below the cab and "97" on the trucks to indicate the last time the brakes were replaced was 1997.
Español: locomotora escala HO de maniobras GE 44-ton fabricada por Bachmann, mostrada junto a un lápiz para comparación.
Autor Brakeman Billy


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Data e horaMiniaturaDimensõesUtilizadorComentário
atual17h01min de 28 de março de 2009Miniatura da versão das 17h01min de 28 de março de 20091 024 × 647 (355 kB)Piero71{{Information |Description={{en|1=HO Scale GE 44-ton switcher made by Bachmann, shown with a pencil for size. Before modification it is all yellow with safety stripes at the bottom and a dark gray roof. I modified it by repainting the roof yellow and addi

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