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DescriçãoHuygens probe away.jpg
"The European Space Agency's Huygens Probe appears shining as it coasts away from Cassini in this close-up of an image taken on Dec. 26, 2004, just two days after it successfully detached from the Cassini spacecraft.
Shown here side-by-side is a close-up of the Huygens probe. The image on the left shows the relative size of the probe. The bright spots in both images are probably due to light reflecting off the blanketing material that covers the probe. Although only a few pixels across, this image is helping navigators reconstruct the probe's trajectory and pinpoint its position relative to Cassini. This information so far shows that the probe and Cassini are right on the mark and well within the predicted trajectory accuracy. This information is important to help establish the required geometry between the probe and the orbiter for radio communications during the probe descent on January 14."
O uso de logótipos, insígnias e emblemas da NASA está sujeito a restrições pela lei 14 CFR 1221 dos EUA.
A página da NASA aloja um grande número de imagens da Agência Espacial Soviética / Russa e de outras agências espaciais estrangeiras. Estas não estão necessariamente no domínio público.
O projeto conjunto SOHO (ESA e NASA) implica que todos os materiais criados pela sonda têm os direitos de autor protegidos e requerem autorização unicamente para uso comercial com fins não educativos. [3]
As imagens destacadas no site Imagem Astronómica do Dia (Astronomy Picture of the Day, APOD) podem ter os direitos de autor protegidos. [4]
("The European Space Agency's Huygens Probe appears shining as it coasts away from Cassini in this close-up of an image taken on Dec. 26, 2004, just two days after it successfully detached from the Cassini spacecraft." Taken from NASA press release [http:/)
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