Ficheiro:Pterodactylus giganteus.jpg

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P Pterodactylus, conirostris; Pt. giganteus, Bowerbank; nat size.

Fig. 1. Right side of the anterior end of both jaws.

Fig. 2. Left side of ditto showing the beginning of the external nostril, n.

Fig. 3. Front view of both jaws, which are a little distorted.

Fig. 4. Upper surface of the upper jaw.

Fig. 5. Under surface of the lower jaw.

Fig. 6. A tooth, magnified.

Fig. 7. Coalesced ends of scapula, 51, and coracoid, 52, showing the glenoid cavity, g.

Fig. 8. Side view of ditto. a, acromion.

Fig. 9. A fragment of bone in the same block of chalk with the scapular arch, probably a piece of the sternum.

Fig. 10. Mutilated end of a long bone.

Fig. 11. The great part of the shaft of a long bone of the wing.

Fig. 12. Proximal portion of the shaft of probably the tibia.

Fig. 13. Two portions of long bones, and a portion of a rib.

Fig. 14. A fragment of a long bone.

All the above parts are from the Burham Chalk-pit, Kent, with the exception of figs. 10 and 11, which are from the Halling Chalk-pit, in the same county. In the Museum of James S. Bowerbank, Esq., F.R.S.
Data década de 1840
date QS:P,+1840-00-00T00:00:00Z/8
Autor J. Dinkel
Public domain

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