Ficheiro:Space Shuttle Challenger tribute poster.jpg

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English: This is a printable version of space shuttle Challenger's orbiter tribute, or OV-099, which hangs in Firing Room 4 of the Launch Control Center at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Challenger's accomplishments include the first night launch and first African-American in space, Guion Bluford, on STS-8, the first in-flight capture, repair and redeployment of an orbiting satellite during STS-41C, the first American woman in space, Sally Ride, on STS-7, and the first American woman to walk in space, Kathryn Sullivan, during STS-41G. Challenger is credited with blazing a trail for NASA's other orbiters with the first night landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California on STS-8 and the first landing at Kennedy on STS-41B. The spacewalker in the tribute represents Challenger’s role in the first spacewalk during STS-6 and the first untethered spacewalk on STS-41B. Crew-designed patches for each of Challenger’s missions lead from Earth toward a remembrance of the STS-51L crew, which was lost 73 seconds after liftoff on Jan. 28, 1986. Five orbiter tributes are on display in the firing room, representing Atlantis, Challenger, Columbia, Endeavour and Discovery. Graphic design credit: NASA/Lynda Brammer. NASA publication number: SP-2010-08-162-KSC
Data Released 29 de julho de 2010
Autor NASA/Lynda Brammer
Este(a) imagem ou vídeo foi catalogado(a) por Centro Espacial Kennedy dos Estados Unidos da América para a Administração Nacional da Aeronáutica e do Espaço (NASA), sobre o código ID: KSC-2010-4451A.

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atual19h12min de 18 de setembro de 2010Miniatura da versão das 19h12min de 18 de setembro de 20103 000 × 2 400 (1,47 MB)Jatkins== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|1=This is a printable version of space shuttle Challenger's orbiter tribute, or OV-099, which hangs in Firing Room 4 of the Launch Control Center at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Challenger'

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