Observe que alguns países tem prazos de direitos autorais superiores a 70 anos: o México tem 100 anos, a Jamaica tem 95 anos, a Colômbia tem 80 anos e a Guatemala e Samoa têm 75 anos. Esta imagem pode não estar em domínio público nestes países, que aliás não implementam a regra do prazo mais curto. Os diretos autorais podem se estender a trabalhos criados por franceses que morreram pela França na Segunda Guerra Mundial (mais informações), russos que serviram na Frente Oriental da Segunda Guerra Mundial (conhecida como a Grande Guerra Patriótica na Rússia) e vítimas postumamente reabilitadas da repressão soviética (mais informações).
I found the galleon picture from a website that didn't cite the image, although I've also seen it in two books (History of the World: The last five hundred years (1986) by Bonanza Press and Naval Warfare: 1492-1792, Cambridge University Press (1999)) The first one lists it as a "Sixteenth-century engraving of a Spanish galleon by Albrecht Dürer," while the second lists it as an "Anonymous sixteenth century engraving of a Spanish galleon." I'm kind of skeptical that Dürer did it, but I couldn't find any citations online for it. Sorry. Adam Faanes 15:12, 21 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Yes, it may not be from Dürer because he died 1528 and the ship shows a sprit topmast, which was addet in the early 17the century (1620). -- 16:22, 13 August 2008 (UTC)
It's almost certainly a mid-17th century ship, not a 16th-century one. They looked entirely different. Fut.Perf.☼ 18:19, 27 March 2011 (UTC)
Although it has the general appearance of a Spanish galleon, this etching is neither a Spanish Galleon or drawn by Durer.
Durer may have drawn ships when he was in Italy in 1505 but there were no ships in the Mediterranean of this size at this time. Looking at the rows of cannon ports and the fact that a Royal barge is rowing out to it, this is a three masted Man O War and not a cargo ship (galleon). I agree with the comment above that it is a ship (possibly Sweden flag) of 1620 to 1640, one hundred years after Albert Durer. --w:User:Tom Bennett, shipwreck historian.
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