Ficheiro:Ted Rogers statue The Best Is Yet To Come Rogers Centre.JPG

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English: Statue of Ted Rogers in front of the Rogers Centre in Toronto. The plaque on the left reads "The best is yet to come".
Data Tirada em 23 de fevereiro de 2014
Origem Obra do próprio
Autor Oaktree b


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Statue of owner Ted Rogers with a plaque that reads, "The best is yet to come.", located in front of the Toronto Blue Jays Rogers Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (photo taken in February 2023).

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atual03h11min de 12 de março de 2014Miniatura da versão das 03h11min de 12 de março de 20142 736 × 3 648 (3,17 MB)Oaktree bUser created page with UploadWizard

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