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A diagram on the Tetragrammaton (divine four-letter name) YHWH (Hebrew יהוה) — or "IEVE" as it's transcribed into the Latin language here — as a foundation of the Christian Trinity. This is taken from a 12th-century manuscript of the ca. 1109 A.D. work Dialogi Contra Iudaeos ("Dialogues against the Jews") by Petrus Alphonsi / Petrus Alfonsi / Peter Alfonsi (a convert to Christianity from Judaism).
The diagram shows the three persons of the Christian Trinity assigned to the three possible consecutive two-letter sequences of the Tetragrammaton YHWH / IEVE — namely IE, EV, and VE. These three sequences are in three circular nodes, connected to each other by three lines making a triangle. In the center, supported by fanciful animals, is a scroll with the complete Tetragrammaton. (The fanciful animals would not have been present in Petrus Alfonsi's original version of the diagram, but were probably a personal decorative addition by the scribe who copied out this particular manuscript of the Dialogues.) Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0falsefalse
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A diagram on the Tetragrammaton (divine four-letter name) YHWH (Hebrew יהוה) — or "IEVE" as it's transcribed into the Latin language here — as a foundation of the Christian Trinity. This is taken from a 12th-century manuscript
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