Ficheiro:The Bible in Brazil; colporter experiences (1902) (14593999380).jpg

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Identifier: bibleinbrazilcolec00tuck (find matches)
Title: The Bible in Brazil; colporter experiences
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: Tucker, Hugh C. (Hugh Clarence), 1857-1956
Subjects: Missions
Publisher: New York : Young People's Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada
Contributing Library: Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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l Hngers, as one ridesalong the rows of low, bushy, coffee trees allcovered with small white blossoms, from thescene so enchanting to the eye, there arises anaroma that fills the whole atmosphere with itssweet perfume. A few months later, when theatmosphere is cooler and the rains have ceasedfor a season, the scene changes, and we find thatthe little flowers have turned into beautiful redberries. We may now see the men, women andchildren with their baskets gathering the preciousfruit to be spread out for drying on the largecemented inclosures about the farm house. Whenwe realize how interesting and profitable thiscoffee industry has been for years throughoutthese regions, we are not much surprised that theplanters have confined themselves to this onecrop, and greatly to their own disadvantage, haveuntil recently, neglected almost entirely all others.Now that the production has greatly increased,not only from Brazil but from other parts of theworld, and the price consequently been much
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Among the Colonists 95 reduced, the farmers have begun to realize thenecessity of planting other things besides coffee;and they are finding that their fertile lands read-ily produce corn, beans, rice, potatoes and othernecessary articles of food. The Gospel work through this section was be-gun a few years ago by our colporteurs, whofirst visited the towns and villages along the rail-road. In these places we encountered much op-position at times and there was often little toencourage our efforts, owing to the war wagedupon us and our Bibles by the priests. How-ever, God now and then gave us signs of goodbeing done and evidences that the darkness wasgiving away. After the work had been going onfor some time, I made a second trip through thisregion, and at the town of Santa Luzia, wherewe went for the first time, I had an experiencequite characteristic of what frequently has hap-pened to us. On arriving in the town with a col-porteur and a good supply of books, we securedlodging in a sma

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  • bookid:bibleinbrazilcolec00tuck
  • bookyear:1902
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Tucker__Hugh_C___Hugh_Clarence___1857_1956
  • booksubject:Missions
  • bookpublisher:New_York___Young_People_s_Missionary_Movement_of_the_United_States_and_Canada
  • bookcontributor:Princeton_Theological_Seminary_Library
  • booksponsor:Internet_Archive
  • bookleafnumber:114
  • bookcollection:Princeton
  • bookcollection:americana
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29 de julho de 2014


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