Ficheiro:Unnecessarily complicated gears a.gif

Imagem numa resolução maior (840 × 700 píxeis, tamanho: 15,79 MB, tipo MIME: image/gif, cíclico, 170 quadros, 6,8 s)

Descrição do ficheiro

العربية: رسمٌ مُتحرِّكٌ يُظهر نقل الحركة في التُرُوس التدويريَّة والجرائد المُسنَّنة.
Deutsch: Animation von Zahnrädern inkusive eines Planetengetriebes und einer Zahnstange.
English: Animation of Gears including epicyclic gears and a Rack and pinion.
Polski: Animacja przedstawiająca przekładnie zębate, w tym przekładnię obiegowązębatkę.
Українська: Анімація коліщат, включаючи епіциклічну передачу та рейкову передачу.
Čeština: Animace funkce převodu síly a pohybu pomocí ozubených kol včetně planetové převodovky a dalších aplikací.
Македонски: Анимација на механички пренос со планетарни запченици и назабена летва
Русский: Анимация различных видов зубчатой передачи, включая планетарную и реечную
Origem Obra do próprio
Autor Jahobr
GIF desenvolvimento
Este diagrama foi criado com o MATLAB por Jahobr
Código fonte


function unnecessarily_complicated_gears()
% source code for drawing unnecessarily complicated gearing
% The shape of the gears is not precise, it creates a decent GIF and a SVG.
% 2017-06-20 Jahobr (update 2019-04-14 Jahobr)

teethSun  = 48; % 
teethPlan = 12; % 
teethRing = teethSun+teethPlan*2;
nPlan = 12; % number of planets

teethSun_top = 24;
teethHub_spoked = 60;
teethHub_back = 24;
teethBigSpoke = 96;
teethRackTrans_Bottom = 25;
teethRackTrans_Top = 25/5*4;
teethRackDriver  = 16;

module_Epicyclic = 1;
module_Hub_Spoke = 1.8;
module_Sun_Hub = 1.5;
module_LL = 0.8;
module_top = 0.9;
module_Rack = 1.4;

RGB.edge      = [0    0    0   ]; % Edge color
RGB.bkgd      = [1    1    1   ]; % white background
RGB.carrier   = [0.1  0.7  0.1 ]; % green
RGB.sun       = [0.95 0.65 0   ]; % yellow (obviously)
RGB.palnet    = [0.2  0.2  1   ]; % blue   (obviously)
RGB.ring      = [1    0.2  0.2 ]; % red
RGB.hub       = [0.6  0.2  0.8 ]; % violet
RGB.spoke     = [0.5  0.5  0.5 ]; % 
RGB.rackTrans = [0.4  0.24 0.08]; % 
RGB.rack      = [1    0.5  0.2 ]; % 
RGB.rackDrive = [0.8  0.3  0.2 ]; % 
RGB.LL_1      = [0.4  0.6  0.6 ]; % 
RGB.LL_2      = [0.3  0.6  0.8 ]; %       = [0.5  0.7  1   ]; % 

RGB = structfun(@(q)round(q*255)/255, RGB, 'UniformOutput',false); % round to values that are nicely uint8 compatible

diameterSun  = module_Epicyclic.*teethSun;
diameterPlan = module_Epicyclic.*teethPlan;
diameterCarr = diameterSun+diameterPlan;

dist_Sun_Hub = mean([module_Sun_Hub*teethSun_top, module_Sun_Hub*teethHub_spoked]);
centerHub = [dist_Sun_Hub*cosd(60) -dist_Sun_Hub*sind(60)];

dist_Hub_Spoke = mean([module_Hub_Spoke*teethHub_back, module_Hub_Spoke*teethBigSpoke]) ;
centerSpoke = [dist_Hub_Spoke*cosd(60) +dist_Hub_Spoke*sind(60)]+centerHub;

dist_Hub_RackTrans = mean([module_Sun_Hub*teethHub_spoked, module_Sun_Hub*teethRackTrans_Bottom]); 
centerRackTrans = [dist_Hub_RackTrans*cosd(53) +dist_Hub_RackTrans*sind(53)]+centerHub;

dist_RackTrans_RGB.rackDriver = mean([module_Rack*teethRackTrans_Top, module_Rack*teethRackDriver ]);
centerRackDriver = [dist_RackTrans_RGB.rackDriver*cosd(55) -dist_RackTrans_RGB.rackDriver*sind(55)]+centerRackTrans;

[pathstr,fname] = fileparts(which(mfilename)); % save files under the same name and at file location

xLimits = [-20 100];
yLimits = [-60  40];

xRange = xLimits(2)-xLimits(1);
yRange = yLimits(2)-yLimits(1);

ySize = 700; % final gif size
xSize = floor(ySize/yRange*xRange); % pixel
screenSize = get(groot,'Screensize')-[0 0 5 20]; % [1 1 width height] (minus tolerance for figure borders)
scaleReduction = min(...% reduction for nice antialiasing (for >1 you need a 4K monitor or a virtural combination of several monitors using "Nvidia Surround" to fit the figure)
    floor(screenSize(4)/ySize), floor(screenSize(3)/xSize)); 
linW = 2.5/1000 * (ySize*scaleReduction); % LineWidth
nFrames = 170;

figHandle = figure(15674455); clf
set(figHandle, 'Units','pixel');
set(figHandle, 'Position',[1 1 xSize*scaleReduction ySize*scaleReduction]); % big start image for antialiasing later [x y width height]
set(figHandle, 'GraphicsSmoothing','on') % requires at least version 2014b
set(figHandle,'MenuBar','none',  'ToolBar','none'); % free real estate for a maximally large image
set(figHandle, 'Color',RGB.bkgd); % white background
axesHandle = axes;
axis off % invisible axes (no ticks)
axis equal;

angleCarrier = -linspace(0,pi*2/nPlan,nFrames+1); % define gear position in frames
angleCarrier = angleCarrier(1:end-1); % remove last frame, it would be double

anglePlan = angleCarrier.*( teethSun/teethPlan+1 ); % gear ratio
anglePlan = -anglePlan + (pi/teethPlan); % ALLIGNMENT; THIS MAY NEED MANUAL ADJUSTMENT

angleSun = angleCarrier.*  (1+teethRing/teethSun); % gear ratio

angleRing = zeros(size(anglePlan));
reducedRGBimage = uint8(ones(ySize,xSize,3,nFrames)); % allocate

for iFrame = 1:nFrames
    cla(axesHandle); % fresh frame
    %% background wheels
    % Hub background wheel  24 teeth rotates 2, interacts with spoked
    drawSpurWheel(centerHub,teethHub_back ,module_Hub_Spoke,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.hub*0.6, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        -angleSun(iFrame)/2.5,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 3, 1); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    % fine Spoked wheel 96 teeth rotates 2
    drawSpurWheel(centerSpoke,teethBigSpoke, module_Hub_Spoke,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.spoke, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame)/2.5/4 + pi/teethBigSpoke,... % angle of rotaion
        teethBigSpoke/2, 0.5, 0, 13.2); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    %% %%%%%%%%%%     Epicyclic_Gearing    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % ring
    % sun
    drawSpurWheel([0 0],teethSun ,module_Epicyclic,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.sun, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame),... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 0, 0, 0); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    % planets
    angPlan = linspace(0,2*pi,nPlan+1);
    angPlan = angPlan(1:end-1);
    for iPlan = angPlan
        [X,Y] = pol2cart(iPlan+angleCarrier(iFrame) ,diameterCarr/2);
        drawSpurWheel([X,Y],teethPlan,module_Epicyclic,... % center, number of teeth, module
            RGB.palnet, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
            anglePlan(iFrame),... % angle of rotaion
            NaN, 0, 0, 0); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    % carrier
    angCarr = linspace(0,2*pi,nPlan+1);
    [X,Y] = pol2cart([angCarr  fliplr(angCarr)]+angleCarrier(iFrame) ,[ones(size(angCarr))*diameterCarr/2.07 ones(size(angCarr))* diameterCarr/1.93]);
    patch(X,Y,RGB.carrier,'EdgeColor',RGB.edge,'LineWidth',linW) % full outer disc
    for iPlan = angPlan
        [X,Y] = pol2cart(iPlan+angleCarrier(iFrame) ,diameterCarr/2);
        circlePatch(X,Y,diameterPlan*0.15,RGB.palnet, linW,RGB.edge);
    %% connection Epicyclic Gearing and hub
    % 24 teeth, rotates 5 teeth
    drawSpurWheel([0 0],teethSun_top ,module_Sun_Hub,... % center, number of teeth, module
        1-(1-RGB.sun)*0.5, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame),... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 0, 0, 3); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    % spoked hub wheel: 60 teeth; rotates 5
    drawSpurWheel(centerHub,teethHub_spoked ,module_Sun_Hub,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.hub, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        -angleSun(iFrame)/2.5 +pi/teethHub_spoked,... % angle of rotaion
        teethSun/2*2.5/5,... % 12 nSpoke,
        1, 5.5, 7); % spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    %% chain of wheels on the Top
    % on top big spoked (wheel 96 teeth rotates 2) 48 teeth rotates 1
    drawSpurWheel(centerSpoke,48 ,module_top,... % center, number of teeth, module
        1-(1-RGB.spoke)*0.7, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame)/2.5/4+0.2,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 0, 7); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    % top idler , meshing with small wheel big spoked; 17 teeth rotates 1
    drawSpurWheel([57.35 31],17 ,module_top,... % center, number of teeth, module, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        -angleSun(iFrame)/2.5/4 * 48/17  - 0.067,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 0, 3); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    % last on top, meshing with idler; 23 teeth rotates 1
    drawSpurWheel([42.34 41],23 ,module_top,... % center, number of teeth, module*0.8, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame)/2.5/4 * 48/23  +0.12,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 0, 3); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    %% Rack
    % Rack-Transmission; meshes in Hub-spoked 25 teeth rotates 5
    drawSpurWheel(centerRackTrans,teethRackTrans_Bottom,module_Sun_Hub,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.rackTrans, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame)/teethRackTrans_Bottom*teethSun_top +0.003,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 0, 0); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    % Rack-Transmission; meshes in Rack-driver; 15 teeth rotates 3
    drawSpurWheel(centerRackTrans,teethRackTrans_Top,module_Rack,... % center, number of teeth, module
        1-(1-RGB.rackTrans)*0.7,linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame)/teethRackTrans_Bottom*teethSun_top +0.157,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 0, 2.5); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    % Rack-driver; idler between Rack-Transmission and Rack
    drawSpurWheel(centerRackDriver,teethRackDriver ,module_Rack,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.rackDrive, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        -angleSun(iFrame)/teethRackTrans_Bottom*teethSun_top *15/12 +pi/teethRackDriver ,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 0.5, 0, 2); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    drawRack([centerRackDriver(1)+module_Rack*teethRackDriver/2 centerRackDriver(2)],50,module_Rack,...
        RGB.rack,linW,RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        -angleSun(iFrame)/teethRackTrans_Bottom*teethSun_top *module_Rack/2*teethRackTrans_Top)
    %% lower left
    %  on top of hub; rotates 3 teeth
    drawSpurWheel(centerHub,36 ,module_LL,... % center, number of teeth, module
        1-(1-RGB.hub)*0.9, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        -angleSun(iFrame)/2.5,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 3, 9); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    %  next to hub; lower left trasmission; bottom wheel; rotates 3 teeth
    drawSpurWheel([centerHub(1)-28.8 centerHub(2)],36 ,module_LL,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.LL_1*0.5, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame)/2.5 +pi/36,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 0, 1); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    %  lower left trasmission; top wheel; rotates 2 teeth
    drawSpurWheel([centerHub(1)-28.8 centerHub(2)],24 ,module_LL,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.LL_1, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        angleSun(iFrame)/2.5 ,... % angle of rotaion
        NaN, 1, 0, 4); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    %  lower left wheel; rotates 2 teeth; rotates 1 spoke
    drawSpurWheel([centerHub(1)-57.6 centerHub(2)],48 ,module_LL,... % center, number of teeth, module
        RGB.LL_2, linW, RGB.edge,... % patch color, LineWidth, line color
        -angleSun(iFrame)/2.5  /2 +pi/48,... % angle of rotaion
        24, 1, 0, 10); % nSpoke, spokeW, sideOffset, shaftDiameter
    %% save animation
    f = getframe(figHandle);
    reducedRGBimage(:,:,:,iFrame) = imReduceSize(f.cdata,scaleReduction); % the size reduction: adds antialiasing
%     if iFrame == 10 % SVG
%         if ~isempty(which('plot2svg'))
%             plot2svg(fullfile(pathstr, [fname '_a.svg']),figHandle) % by Juerg Schwizer
%         else
%             disp('plot2svg.m not available; see');
%         end
%     end


map = createImMap(reducedRGBimage,128,struct2map(RGB)); % colormap

im = uint8(ones(ySize,xSize,1,nFrames)); % allocate
for iFrame = 1:nFrames
    im(:,:,1,iFrame) = rgb2ind(reducedRGBimage(:,:,:,iFrame),map,'nodither');

imwrite(im,map,fullfile(pathstr, [fname '_a.gif']),'DelayTime',1/25,'LoopCount',inf) % save gif
disp([fname '.gif  has ' num2str(numel(im)/10^6 ,4) ' Megapixels']) % Category:Animated GIF files exceeding the 100 MP limit

function drawSpurWheel(center,toothNumber,module,colFilling,linW,linC,startOffset,nSpoke,spokeW,sideOffset,shaftDia)
% DRAWSPURWHEEL - draw a simple Toothed Wheel
%    center:       [x y]
%    toothNumber:  scalar
%    module:       scalar tooth "size"
%    colFilling:   color of filling [r g b]
%    linW:         LineWidth (scalar)
%    linC:         LineColor
%    startOffset:  start rotation (scalar)[rad] 
%    nSpoke:       number of spokes; NaN for filled wheel (scalar integer) 
%    spokeW:       spoke width  [modules]
%    sideOffset:   spoke side offset  [modules]
%    shaftDia:     inner shaft diameter  [modules]

effectiveRadius = module*toothNumber/2; % effective effectiveRadius

outsideRadius =     effectiveRadius+1*  module; %                +---+             +---+
upperRisingRadius = effectiveRadius+0.5*module; %               /     \           /     \
% effective Radius                              %              /       \         /       \
lowerRisingRadius = effectiveRadius-0.5*module; %             I         I       I         I
rootRadius =        effectiveRadius-1.1*module; %     + - - - +         + - - - +         +

angleBetweenTeeth = 2*pi/toothNumber; % angle between 2 teeth

angleOffPoints = (0:angleBetweenTeeth/16:(2*pi));
angleOffPoints = angleOffPoints+startOffset; % apply rotation offset

angleOffPoints(7:16:end)  = angleOffPoints(7:16:end)  + 1/toothNumber^1.2; % hack to create smaller tooth tip
angleOffPoints(11:16:end) = angleOffPoints(11:16:end) - 1/toothNumber^1.2; % hack to create smaller tooth tip

angleOffPoints(8:16:end)  = (angleOffPoints(7:16:end)  + angleOffPoints(9:16:end))/2; % shift the neighbouring tip point in accordingly
angleOffPoints(10:16:end) = (angleOffPoints(11:16:end) + angleOffPoints(9:16:end))/2; % shift the neighbouring tip point in accordingly

angleOffPoints(6:16:end)  = angleOffPoints(6:16:end)  + 1/toothNumber^1.7; % hack to create slender upperRisingRadius
angleOffPoints(12:16:end) = angleOffPoints(12:16:end) - 1/toothNumber^1.7; % hack to create slender upperRisingRadius

radiusOffPoints = angleOffPoints; % allocate with correct site

radiusOffPoints( 1:16:end) = rootRadius;        % center bottom         I
radiusOffPoints( 2:16:end) = rootRadius;        % left bottom           I
radiusOffPoints( 3:16:end) = rootRadius;        % left bottom corner    +
radiusOffPoints( 4:16:end) = lowerRisingRadius; % lower rising bottom      \
radiusOffPoints( 5:16:end) = effectiveRadius;   % rising edge                 \
radiusOffPoints( 6:16:end) = upperRisingRadius; % upper rising edge              \
radiusOffPoints( 7:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % right top  corner                 +
radiusOffPoints( 8:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % right top                         I
radiusOffPoints( 9:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % center top                        I
radiusOffPoints(10:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % left top                          I
radiusOffPoints(11:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % left top  corner                  +
radiusOffPoints(12:16:end) = upperRisingRadius; % upper falling edge             /
radiusOffPoints(13:16:end) = effectiveRadius;   % falling edge                /
radiusOffPoints(14:16:end) = lowerRisingRadius; % lower falling edge       /
radiusOffPoints(15:16:end) = rootRadius;        % right bottom  corner  +
radiusOffPoints(16:16:end) = rootRadius;        % right bottom          I

[X,Y] = pol2cart(angleOffPoints,radiusOffPoints);
X = X+center(1); % center offset
Y = Y+center(2); % center offset

if ~isnan(nSpoke)
    for iSpoke = 1:nSpoke
        Xs = ([-1 1 1 -1]+sideOffset)*module*spokeW;
        Ys =  [ 1 1 0  0]*(rootRadius-1*module);
        [Xs,Ys] = rotateCordiantes(Xs,Ys,2*pi/nSpoke*iSpoke+startOffset);% apply rotation
        Xs = Xs+center(1); % center offset
        Ys = Ys+center(2); % center offset
    [Xc,Yc] = pol2cart(angleOffPoints,effectiveRadius-3*module);
    Xc = Xc+center(1); % center offset
    Yc = Yc+center(2); % center offset

    [Xc,Yc] = poly2cw(Xc,Yc);
    [X,Y] = poly2cw(X,Y);
    [Xb,Yb] = polybool('subtraction', X,Y,Xc,Yc);
    Xb = Xb(~isnan(Xb)); % notNaN
    Yb = Yb(~isnan(Yb)); % notNaN
    plot(X, Y, 'LineWidth',linW,'Color',linC); % extra line
    plot(Xc,Yc,'LineWidth',linW,'Color',linC); % extra line

else % filled
if and(~isnan(shaftDia),shaftDia>0)
% % effective Radius
% [X,Y] = pol2cart(angleOffPoints,effectiveRadius);
% X = X+center(1); % center offset
% Y = Y+center(2); % center offset
% plot(X,Y,'-.','Color',RGB.edge;

function h = circlePatch(x,y,r,col,linW,linC)
%    x and y:      coordinates of the center
%    r:            is the radius of the circle
%    fillC:        color of filling [r g b]
%    linW:         LineWidth
%    linC:         LineColor
angleOffPoints = linspace(0,2*pi,200);
xc = x + r*cos(angleOffPoints);
yc = y + r*sin(angleOffPoints);
% h = plot(xc,yc,'color',col,'LineWidth',linW,'LineStyle',sty);
h = patch(xc,yc,col,'EdgeColor',linC,'LineWidth',linW);

function [x,y] = rotateCordiantes(x,y,anglee)
%    x and y:      coordinates of the center
%    anglee:       angle of rotation in [rad]
rotM = [cos(anglee) -sin(anglee); sin(anglee) cos(anglee)];
x_y = rotM*[x(:)';y(:)'];
x = x_y(1,:);
y = x_y(2,:);

function drawRack(center,toothNumber,module,fillC,linW,linC,startOffset)
%    x and y:      coordinates of the center
%    toothNumber:  number of teeth
%    module:       scalar tooth "size"
%    fillC:        color of filling [r g b]
%    linW:         LineWidth
%    linC:         LineColor
%    startOffset: initial shift
y = (0:toothNumber*4-1)*pi*module/4;
y = y-mean(y)+center(2)+startOffset;
x = ones(size(y))*center(1);

x(1:4:end) = x(1:4:end)+1.1*module; %    +###I bottom
x(2:4:end) = x(2:4:end)-1  *module; % +######I tip
x(3:4:end) = x(3:4:end)-1  *module; % +######I tip
x(4:4:end) = x(4:4:end)+1.1*module; %    +###I bottom

y(1:4:end) = y(1:4:end)-0.14*module; % bottom smaller
y(2:4:end) = y(2:4:end)+0.14*module; % tip smaller
y(3:4:end) = y(3:4:end)-0.14*module; % tip smaller
y(4:4:end) = y(4:4:end)+0.14*module; % bottom smaller

y = [y(1) y y(end)];
x = [x(1)+5*module x x(end)+5*module];

function drawCirclePatch(x,y,r,fillC,linW,linC)
%    x and y:      coordinates of the center
%    r:            is the radius of the circle
%    fillC:        color of filling [r g b]
%    linW:         LineWidth
%    linC:         LineColor
%    startOffset:  start rotation (scalar)[rad]
angleOffPoints = linspace(0,2.001*pi,200);
xc = x + r*cos(angleOffPoints);
yc = y + r*sin(angleOffPoints);

function drawRingGear(toothNumber,module,fillC,linW,linC,startOffset)
% DRAWRINGGEAR - draw a outer gear
%  Input:
%    center:       [x y]
%    toothNumber:  scalar
%    module:       scalar tooth "size"
%    fillC:        color of filling [r g b]
%    linW:         LineWidth
%    linC:         LineColor
%    startOffset:  start rotation (scalar)[rad]
effectiveRadius = module*toothNumber/2; % effective effectiveRadius

outsideRadius     = effectiveRadius-1*  module; %                +---+             +---+
upperRisingRadius = effectiveRadius-0.5*module; %               /     \           /     \
% effective Radius                              %              /       \         /       \
lowerRisingRadius = effectiveRadius+0.5*module; %             I         I       I         I
rootRadius        = effectiveRadius+1.1*module; %     + - - - +         + - - - +         +

angleBetweenTeeth = 2*pi/toothNumber; % angle between 2 teeth
angleOffPoints = (0:angleBetweenTeeth/16:(2*pi));
angleOffPoints = angleOffPoints+startOffset; % apply rotation offset

%% outerEdge
maxRadius = rootRadius*1.2; % definition of outer line
[Xout,Yout] = pol2cart(angleOffPoints,maxRadius);

%% inner teeth
radiusOffPoints = angleOffPoints; % init

angleOffPoints( 7:16:end) = angleOffPoints(7:16:end)  + 1/toothNumber^1.2; % hack to create smaller tooth tip
angleOffPoints(11:16:end) = angleOffPoints(11:16:end) - 1/toothNumber^1.2; % hack to create smaller tooth tip

angleOffPoints( 8:16:end) = (angleOffPoints(7:16:end) +  angleOffPoints(9:16:end))/2; % shift the neighbouring tip point in accordingly
angleOffPoints(10:16:end) = (angleOffPoints(11:16:end) + angleOffPoints(9:16:end))/2; % shift the neighbouring tip point in accordingly

angleOffPoints( 6:16:end) = angleOffPoints(6:16:end)  + 1/toothNumber^1.7; % hack to create slender tooth
angleOffPoints(12:16:end) = angleOffPoints(12:16:end) - 1/toothNumber^1.7; % hack to create slender tooth

radiusOffPoints( 1:16:end) = rootRadius;        % center bottom         I
radiusOffPoints( 2:16:end) = rootRadius;        % left bottom           I
radiusOffPoints( 3:16:end) = rootRadius;        % left bottom corner    +
radiusOffPoints( 4:16:end) = lowerRisingRadius; % lower rising bottom      \
radiusOffPoints( 5:16:end) = effectiveRadius;   % rising edge                 \
radiusOffPoints( 6:16:end) = upperRisingRadius; % upper rising edge              \
radiusOffPoints( 7:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % right top corner                 +
radiusOffPoints( 8:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % right top                        I
radiusOffPoints( 9:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % center top                       I
radiusOffPoints(10:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % left top                         I
radiusOffPoints(11:16:end) = outsideRadius;     % left top corner                  +
radiusOffPoints(12:16:end) = upperRisingRadius; % upper falling edge             /
radiusOffPoints(13:16:end) = effectiveRadius;   % falling edge                /
radiusOffPoints(14:16:end) = lowerRisingRadius; % lower falling edge       /
radiusOffPoints(15:16:end) = rootRadius;        % right bottom corner   +
radiusOffPoints(16:16:end) = rootRadius;        % right bottom          I

[X,Y] = pol2cart(angleOffPoints,radiusOffPoints);

[Xout,Yout] = poly2cw(Xout,Yout);
[X,   Y   ] = poly2cw(X   ,Y   );
[Xb,Yb] = polybool('subtraction',Xout,Yout, X,Y);
Xb = Xb(~isnan(Xb)); % notNaN
Yb = Yb(~isnan(Yb)); % notNaN

plot(X,   Y,   'LineWidth',linW,'Color',linC); % draw teeth outline
plot(Xout,Yout,'LineWidth',linW,'Color',linC); % draw outer circle

function map = struct2map(RGB)
% RGB: struct of depth 1 with [r g b] in each field
fNames = fieldnames(RGB);
nNames = numel(fNames);
map = NaN(nNames,3); % allocate
for iName = 1:nNames
    map(iName,:) = RGB.(fNames{iName}); % 

function im = imReduceSize(im,redSize)
% Input:
%  im:      image, [imRows x imColumns x nChannel x nStack] (unit8)
%                      imRows, imColumns: must be divisible by redSize
%                      nChannel: usually 3 (RGB) or 1 (grey)
%                      nStack:   number of stacked images
%                                usually 1; >1 for animations
%  redSize: 2 = half the size (quarter of pixels)
%           3 = third the size (ninth of pixels)
%           ... and so on
% Output:
%  im:     [imRows/redSize x imColumns/redSize x nChannel x nStack] (unit8)
% an alternative is: imNew = imresize(im,1/reduceImage,'bilinear');
%        BUT 'bicubic' & 'bilinear'  produces fuzzy lines
%        IMHO this function produces nicer results as "imresize"
[nRow,nCol,nChannel,nStack] = size(im);

if redSize==1;  return;  end % nothing to do
if redSize~=round(abs(redSize));             error('"redSize" must be a positive integer');  end
if rem(nRow,redSize)~=0;     error('number of pixel-rows must be a multiple of "redSize"');  end
if rem(nCol,redSize)~=0;  error('number of pixel-columns must be a multiple of "redSize"');  end

nRowNew = nRow/redSize;
nColNew = nCol/redSize;

im = double(im).^2; % brightness rescaling from "linear to the human eye" to the "physics domain"; see youtube: /watch?v=LKnqECcg6Gw
im = reshape(im, nRow, redSize, nColNew*nChannel*nStack); % packets of width redSize, as columns next to each other
im = sum(im,2); % sum in all rows. Size of result: [nRow, 1, nColNew*nChannel]
im = permute(im, [3,1,2,4]); % move singleton-dimension-2 to dimension-3; transpose image. Size of result: [nColNew*nChannel, nRow, 1]
im = reshape(im, nColNew*nChannel*nStack, redSize, nRowNew); % packets of width redSize, as columns next to each other
im = sum(im,2); % sum in all rows. Size of result: [nColNew*nChannel, 1, nRowNew]
im = permute(im, [3,1,2,4]); % move singleton-dimension-2 to dimension-3; transpose image back. Size of result: [nRowNew, nColNew*nChannel, 1]
im = reshape(im, nRowNew, nColNew, nChannel, nStack); % putting all channels (rgb) back behind each other in the third dimension
im = uint8(sqrt(im./redSize^2)); % mean; re-normalize brightness: "scale linear to the human eye"; back in uint8

function map = createImMap(imRGB,nCol,startMap)
% createImMap creates a color-map including predefined colors.
% "rgb2ind" creates a map but there is no option to predefine some colors,
%         and it does not handle stacked images.
% Input:
%   imRGB:     image, [imRows x imColumns x 3(RGB) x nStack] (unit8)
%   nCol:      total number of colors the map should have, [integer]
%   startMap:  predefined colors; colormap format, [p x 3] (double)

imRGB = permute(imRGB,[1 2 4 3]); % step1; make unified column-image (handling possible nStack)
imRGBcolumn = reshape(imRGB,[],1,3,1); % step2; make unified column-image

fullMap = double(permute(imRGBcolumn,[1 3 2]))./255; % "column image" to color map 
[fullMap,~,imMapColumn] = unique(fullMap,'rows'); % find all unique colors; create indexed colormap-image
% "cmunique" could be used but is buggy and inconvenient because the output changes between "uint8" and "double"

nColFul = size(fullMap,1);
nColStart = size(startMap,1);
disp(['Number of colors: ' num2str(nColFul) ' (including ' num2str(nColStart) ' self defined)']);

if nCol<=nColStart;  error('Not enough colors');        end
if nCol>nColFul;   warning('More colors than needed');  end

isPreDefCol = false(size(imMapColumn)); % init
for iCol = 1:nColStart
    diff = sum(abs(fullMap-repmat(startMap(iCol,:),nColFul,1)),2); % difference between a predefined and all colors
    [mDiff,index] = min(diff); % find matching (or most similar) color
    if mDiff>0.05 % color handling is not precise
        warning(['Predefined color ' num2str(iCol) ' does not appear in image'])
    isThisPreDefCol = imMapColumn==index; % find all pixel with predefined color
    disp([num2str(sum(isThisPreDefCol(:))) ' pixel have predefined color ' num2str(iCol)]);
    isPreDefCol = or(isPreDefCol,isThisPreDefCol); % combine with overall list
[~,mapAdditional] = rgb2ind(imRGBcolumn(~isPreDefCol,:,:),nCol-nColStart,'nodither'); % create map of remaining colors
map = [startMap;mapAdditional];

function setXYlim(axesHandle,xLimits,yLimits)
% set limits; practically the axis overhangs the figure all around, to
% hide rendering errors at line-ends.
% Input:
%   axesHandle:        
%   xLimits, yLimits:  [min max]
overh = 0.05; % 5% overhang all around; 10% bigger in x and y
xlim([+xLimits(1)*(1+overh)-xLimits(2)*overh  -xLimits(1)*overh+xLimits(2)*(1+overh)])
ylim([+yLimits(1)*(1+overh)-yLimits(2)*overh  -yLimits(1)*overh+yLimits(2)*(1+overh)])
set(axesHandle,'Position',[-overh -overh  1+2*overh 1+2*overh]); % stretch axis as bigger as figure, [x y width height]


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Este ficheiro é uma imagem em destaque no Wikimedia Commons (Imagens especiais) e é considerado uma das melhores imagens.
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 Este ficheiro é uma imagem em destaque na Wikipédia em árabe (صور مختارة) e é considerado uma das melhores imagens.
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Se tem uma imagem de qualidade similar que possa ser publicada sob uma licença de direito autoral adequada, por favor carregue-a, marque-a, e nomeie-a.

Mídia do dia Este ficheiro foi selecionado como mídia do dia para 01 de junho de 2019. A legenda era a seguinte:
English: Animation of gears including epicyclic gears and a rack and pinion
Noutros idiomas
Čeština: Animace funkce převodu síly a pohybu pomocí ozubených kol včetně planetové převodovky a dalších aplikací.
Deutsch: Animation von Zahnrädern inkusive eines Planetengetriebes und einer Zahnstange.
English: Animation of gears including epicyclic gears and a rack and pinion
Македонски: Анимација на механички пренос со планетарни запченици и назабена летва
Polski: Animacja przedstawiająca przekładnie zębate, w tym przekładnię obiegowązębatkę.
Русский: Анимация различных видов зубчатой передачи, включая планетарную и реечную
Українська: Анімація коліщат, включаючи епіциклічну передачу та рейкову передачу.


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Clique uma data e hora para ver o ficheiro tal como ele se encontrava nessa altura.

Data e horaMiniaturaDimensõesUtilizadorComentário
atual13h12min de 14 de abril de 2019Miniatura da versão das 13h12min de 14 de abril de 2019840 × 700 (15,79 MB)JahobrWikimedia uses a 100MPx limit now. New render for this quality.
19h26min de 12 de fevereiro de 2019Miniatura da versão das 19h26min de 12 de fevereiro de 2019600 × 500 (10,31 MB)JahobrRack with straight teeth, as they should be
19h27min de 14 de outubro de 2017Miniatura da versão das 19h27min de 14 de outubro de 2017600 × 500 (10,36 MB)Jahobrcolor pallet better
19h05min de 13 de setembro de 2017Miniatura da versão das 19h05min de 13 de setembro de 2017600 × 500 (11,53 MB)JahobrGraphicsSmoothing with matlab 2017
10h41min de 20 de junho de 2017Miniatura da versão das 10h41min de 20 de junho de 2017600 × 500 (10,44 MB)JahobrUser created page with UploadWizard

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