Ficheiro:Zhoukoudian Museum July2004.jpg

Zhoukoudian_Museum_July2004.jpg (640 × 480 píxeis, tamanho: 180 kB, tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

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Zhoukoudian Site - Museum. Taken by Wikipedian DF08 in July 2004.

from en wp

(del) (cur) 17:58, 7 July 2004 . . DF08 (Talk) . . 640x480 (184736 bytes)


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atual16h10min de 2 de março de 2006Miniatura da versão das 16h10min de 2 de março de 2006640 × 480 (180 kB)Shizhao{{GFDL}} Zhoukoudian Site - Museum. Taken by Wikipedian DF08 in July 2004. from en wp (del) (cur) 17:58, 7 July 2004 . . DF08 (Talk) . . 640x480 (184736 bytes)

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