Michael Dunning (d.1558[1]) foi Chanceler da Diocese de Norwich desde 1554 sob Mary Tudor, e com John Hopton, Bispo de Norwich, foi responsável pela queima de 31 hereges.[2][3] John Foxe caracterizou Dunning como o "chanceler sangrento".[4]

Ele formou-se em Direito Civil na Universidade de Cambridge em 1541, tornando-se doutor em 1555. Ele foi reitor de Knapwell, Cambridgeshire em 1546; e depois de Gissing, Norfolk de 1549 a 1554. Após o seu mandato como o "chanceler sangrento", ele foi em 1558 feito arquidiácono de Bedford, mas foi afastado do cargo no mesmo ano.[5]

Entre os executados por Dunning e Hopton estavam:

  • Cicely Ormes, esposa de um tecelão
  • Thomas Cobbe, açougueiro de Haverhill, Roger Coe e James Abbes
  • Simon Miller, da cidade de Lynn
  • Elizabeth Cooper, esposa de um peltreiro


  1. Athenae Cantabrigienses: 1500-1585 p203..1549, and was constituted joint vicar-general and official principal of the diocese of Norwich 1554. He commenced LL.D. 1555, was principal of S. Nicholas' hostel in, if not before 1555, and on 4 Nov. 1557 was collated to the prebend
  2. Muriel C. McClendon The quiet Reformation: magistrates and the emergence of... Page 175 - 1999 "Upon hearing Ormes's remark, Corbet took her and turned her over the Chancellor of Norwich diocese, Michael Dunning.64 Dunning examined her,...That woman was Cicely Ormes, the wife of a worsted weaver from St. Lawrence's parish in Norwich.... Dunning offered Ormes her freedom "if she would go to the church and keep her tongue," but she refused, "for God would surely plague
  3. The church of Mary Tudor Page 137 Eamon Duffy, D. M. Loades - 2006 "Foremost among those who enforced Marian policies in Norwich were John Hopton and his chancellor Michael Dunning. In Foxe's opinion they were... However, Norwich was a diocese in which there was a lot of resistance to the Marian restoration, and it may have been his notorious chancellor, Michael Dunning, who was mainly responsible for the 31 burnings which took place between the."
  4. John Foxe The Acts and Monuments of the Church Containing the History and... - Page 814 M. Hobart Seymour - 2004 "Thomat Cob, Martyr. Over and besides these martyrs, in the same year, on the 12th of August, Thomas Cob, of Haverhill, butcher, was also condemned, being brought before and examined by Michael Dunning, the bloody chancellor of Norwich.
  5. Dunning, Michael" in J. Venn e J. A. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses. 10 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1922–1958) ACAD - A Cambridge Alumni Database