Predefinição:Bibliografia sobre a China
![]() | NOTA: Esta página é uma lista criada para ser transcluída no artigo China com o objetivo de tornar o carregamento desse artigo mais rápido e simplificar a sua edição.
Se a alterar, certifique-se que verifica quais as consequências das alterações nesse artigo. Preste atenção especialmente a imagens e tabelas. Algumas das coisas que não devem ser incluídas:
editar- «Chapter VIII: Conventional War Crimes (Atrocities)». Judgement: International Military Tribunal for the Far East". null: null. 1948
- «China». The Oxford English Dictionary. 17. Oxford: Claredon Press. 1989. ISBN 9780198612292
- Enciclopédia Mirador Internacional. São Paulo: Encyclopædia Britannica do Brasil. 1996. ISBN 9788570263957
- China: Five Thousand Years of History and Civilization. Hong Kong: City University of HK Press. 2007. ISBN 962-937-140-5
- Adshead, S. A. M. (2004). T'ang China: The Rise of the East in World History. Nova Iorque: Palgrave Macmillan
- Apter, David Ernest; Saich, Tony (1994). Revolutionary Discourse in Mao's Republic. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674767802
- Barbosa, Duarte (1946). Machado, Augusto Reis, ed. Livro em que dá relação do que viu e ouviu no Oriente/Duarte Barbosa (PDF). Lisboa: Agência Geral das Colónias
- Bell, Daniel A. (2016). The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691173047
- Bergsten, C. Fred; et al. (2006). China: The Balance Sheet: What the World Needs to Know about the Emerging Superpower. Nova Iorque: PublicAffairs. ISBN 978-1-58648-464-4
- Bix, Herbert P. (2000). Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan. Nova Iorque: HarperCollins. ISBN 9780060193140
- Burbu, Dawa (2001). China's Tibet Policy. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-7007-0474-3
- Busky, Donald F. (2002). Communism in History and Theory. 1. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 9780275977337
- Carroll, J. M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-0-7425-3422-3
- Cienciala, Anna (1996). The Rise and Fall of Communist Nations 1917–1994. Lawrence: University of Kansas
- Elleman, Bruce (2001). Modern Chinese Warfare. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. ISBN 0415214742
- Embree, Ainslie Thomas; Gluck, Carol (1997). Asia in Western and World History: A Guide for Teaching. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe. ISBN 1563242656
- Fang, Ning (2015). China’s Democracy Path. Berlim: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais da China/Springer. ISBN 9783662473436
- Feldman, Harvey (1991). Constitutional Reform and the Future of the Republic of China. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe. ISBN 0873328809
- Fritz, Jean (1988). China's Long March: 6,000 miles of danger. Nova Iorque: Putnam. ISBN 0399215123
- Gernet, Jacques (1996). A history of Chinese civilization 2ª ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-49781-7
- Gráda, C. Ó. (2010). «The Third Horseman». Famine: A Short History. Princeton: Princeton University. Arquivado do original em 12 de janeiro de 2016
- Graff, David Andrew (2002). Medieval Chinese warfare, 300–900. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-23955-9
- Guidi, Chen; Chuntao, Wu (2006). Will the Boat Sink the Water?: The Life of China's Peasants. Nova Iorque: PublicAffairs. ISBN 1-58648-358-7
- Halliday, Jon; Chang, Jung (2006). Mao: a história desconhecida. Companhia das Letras: São Paulo
- Hammond, Kenneth James; Stapleton, Kristin Eileen (2008). The Human Tradition in Modern China. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 9780742554665
- Harper, Damian; et al. (2005). China. 9. Franklin: Lonely Planet. ISBN 1-74059-687-0
- Haw, Stephen (2006). Beijing: A Concise History. Abingdon-on-Thames: Taylor & Francis. ISBN 0415399068
- Himeta, Mitsuyoshi (1996). 日本軍による『三光政策・三光作戦をめぐって』 Concerning the Three Alls Strategy/Three Alls Policy By the Japanese Forces. Tóquio: Iwanami Bukkuretto
- Holmes, Madelyn (2008). Students and teachers of the new China: thirteen interviews. Jefferson: McFarland. ISBN 0-7864-3288-8
- Hutchings, Graham (2003). Modern China: A Guide to a Century of Change. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674012402
- Jenks, R.D. (1994). Insurgency and Social Disorder in Guizhou: The Miao ‘Rebellion’, 1854–1873. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
- Kao, Michael Y.M. (1988). «Taiwan's and Beijing's Campaigns for Unification». In: Feldman, Harvey; Kao, Michael Y.M. Taiwan in a Time of Transition. Nova Iorque: Paragon House
- Keith, Ronald C. (2009). China from the inside out – fitting the People's republic into the world. Londres: PlutoPress. ISBN 9780745328553
- Lee, Ki-Baik (1984). A new history of Korea. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-61576-2
- Lewis, Mark Edward (2007). The Early Chinese Empires: Qin and Han. 1. Londres: Belknap Press. ISBN 978-0-674-02477-9
- Leutner, M. (2002). The Chinese Revolution in the 1920s: Between Triumph and Disaster. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. ISBN 0700716904
- Ling, Kong Foong; Tsai, Ming (2002). The Food of Asia. Singapura: Periplus. ISBN 0-7946-0146-4
- Liu, Lydia He (2009). The Clash of Empires: The Invention of China in Modern World Making. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674040298
- Martino, Martin (1655). Novus Atlas Sinensis. Amsterdã: J. Blaeu
- Paludan, Ann (1998). Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors. Londres: Thames & Hudson. ISBN 0-500-05090-2
- Perry, Elizabeth (1980). Rebels and Revolutionaries in Northern China, 1845–1945. Stanford: Stanford UP
- Peterson, William J. (2002). The Cambridge History of China. 9. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Roberts, John M. (1997). A Short History of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 019511504X
- Sheikh, Naveed S. (2009). Body Count: a quantitative review of political violence across world civilizations (PDF). Amã: Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought
- Shih, Chih-Yu; Shi, Zhiyu (1999). Collective Democracy: Political and Legal Reform in China. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. ISBN 9622018270
- Smith, Joseph; Davis, Simon (2005). The A to Z of the Cold War. 8. Lanham: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-5384-3
- Sorman, Guy (2008). Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the Twenty-First Century. Nova Iorque: Encounter Books. ISBN 1-59403-216-5
- Tamura, Eileen (1997). China: Understanding Its Past. 1. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 0824819233
- Tien, Hung-Mao (1972). Government and Politics in Kuomintang China, 1927-1937. 53. Stanford: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0804708126
- Twitchett, Denis Crispin; Loewe, Michael; Fairbank, John King (1986). The Cambridge History of China: The Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 BC-AD 220. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Whiting, Marvin C. (2002). Imperial Chinese Military History. Bloomington: iUniverse. ISBN 0-595-22134-3
- Wilkinson, Endymion (2000). Chinese History: A Manual. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-00247-4
- Xiaoying, Ma; Ortalano, Leonard (2002) [2000]. Environmental Regulation in China. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
- Youngs, R. (2002). The European Union and the Promotion of Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Zarrow, Peter (2005). China in War and Revolution, 1895-1949. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. ISBN 0415364477
- Zhao, Suisheng (1996). Power by Design: Constitution-Making in Nationalist China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 0824817214
- —————— (2000). China and Democracy: Reconsidering the Prospects for a Democratic China. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. ISBN 0415926947
editar- «Review of the books: China: Land of Famine; Problems of Industrial Development in China and The China of To-day». Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. 6 (3). 1927. doi:10.2307/3014847
- Ciochon, Russell; Larick, Roy (2000). «Early Homo erectus Tools in China». Archaeological Institute of America. 53 (1)
- Dahlman, Carl J.; Aubert, Jean-Eric (2001). «China and the Knowledge Economy: Seizing the 21st Century. WBI Development Studies». World Bank Publications. ERIC
- Hesketh, Therese; Lu, Li; Xing, Zhu Wei (2005). «The Effect of China's One-Child Family Policy after 25 Years». The New England Journal of Medicine. 353. doi:10.1056/NEJMhpr051833
- Ho, Ping-ti (1970). «An Estimate of the Total Population of Sung-Chin China». Études Song (1). doi:10.1515/9783111542737-007
- Johansson, Sten; Nygren, Olga (1991). «The missing girls of China: a new demographic account». Population and Development Review. 17 (1). doi:10.2307/1972351
- Merli, M. G.; Raftery, A. E. (2000). «Are births underreported in rural China? Manipulation of statistical records in response to China's population policies». Demography. 37 (1). doi:10.2307/2648100
- Neto, Aristides Monteiro (2005). «Disparidades Regionais na China: do planejamento Central do PCC à globalização» (PDF). Revista Econômica do Nordeste. 36 (4). Arquivado do original (PDF) em 6 de julho de 2011
- Qian, Yingyi; Wu, Jinglian (2000). «China's Transition to a Market Economy: How Far across the River?» (PDF). University of California. Arquivado do original (PDF) em 6 de fevereiro de 2007
- Shen, G; et al. (2009). «Age of Zhoukoudian Homo erectus determined with (26)Al/(10)Be burial dating». Nature. 458 (7235). doi:10.1038/nature07741
- Tattersall, Ian (1997). «Out of Africa again...and again?». Scientific American. 276 (4). doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0497-60
- Wade, Geoff (2009). «The Polity of Yelang (夜郎) and the Origins of the Name 'China'» (PDF). Sino-Platonic Papers (188)
- Tao, Yu (2012). «A Solo, a Duet, or an Ensemble? Analysing the Recent Development of Religious Communities in Contemporary Rural China» (PDF). ECRAN - Europe-China Research and Advice Network. University of Nottingham
Leitura adicional
editar- Farah, Paolo (2006). "Five Years of China's WTO Membership: EU and US Perspectives on China's Compliance with Transparency Commitments and the Transitional Review Mechanism". Legal Issues of Economic Integration. Kluwer Law International. Volume 33, Number 3. pp. 263–304. Abstract.
- Heilig, Gerhard K. (2006/2007). China Bibliography – Online.
- Jacques, Martin (2009).When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order. Penguin Books. Rev. ed. (28 de agosto de 2012). ISBN 978-1-59420-185-1
- Jaffe, Amy Myers, "Green Giant: Renewable Energy and Chinese Power", Foreign Affairs, vol. 97, no. 2 (Março / Abril de 2018), pp. 83–93.
- Johnson, Ian, "What Holds China Together?", The New York Review of Books, vol. LXVI, no. 14 (26 de setembro de 2019), pp. 14, 16, 18.
- Lagerwey, John (2010). China: A Religious State. Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press. ISBN 978-988-8028-04-7
- Meng, Fanhua (2011). Phenomenon of Chinese Culture at the Turn of the 21st century. Singapura: Silkroad Press. ISBN 978-981-4332-35-4
- PINHEIRO-MACHADO, Rosana. Made in China : produção e circulação de mercadorias no circuito China-Paraguai-Brasil. Porto Alegre: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia, 2009.
- Sang Ye (2006). China Candid: The People on the People's Republic. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-24514-3
- Selden, Mark (1979). The People's Republic of China: Documentary History of Revolutionary Change. Nova Iorque: Monthly Review Press. ISBN 978-0-85345-532-5
- Shambaugh, David L. (2008). China's Communist Party: Atrophy and Adaptation. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-25492-3