Predefinição:Bibliografia sobre o Trumpismo
![]() | NOTA: Esta página é uma lista criada para ser transcluída no artigo Trumpismo com o objetivo de tornar o carregamento desse artigo mais rápido e simplificar a sua edição.
Se a alterar, certifique-se que verifica quais as consequências das alterações nesse artigo. Preste atenção especialmente a imagens e tabelas. Algumas das coisas que não devem ser incluídas:
editar- Waite, Robert G. L (1993) [1977]. The Psychopathic God. New York: Da Capo Press. pp. 31–32, 343. ISBN 0-306-80514-6}}
- Andrews, David L. (2019). Making Sport Great Again: The Uber-Sport Assemblage, Neoliberalism, and the Trump Conjuncture. New York:. e-book ed. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-15002-0. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-15002-0
- Badiou, Alain (2019). Trump e-book ed. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. ISBN 9781509536092.
...poderíamos falar dessas novas figuras em termos de uma espécie de "fascismo democrático", uma designação paradoxal, mas eficaz. Afinal, os Berlusconis, os Sarkozys, os Le Pens, os Trumps, estão operando dentro do aparelho democrático, com suas eleições, suas oposições, seus escândalos etc. Mas, dentro desse aparato, estão tocando uma partitura diferente, outra música. Este é certamente o caso de Trump, que é racista, machista, violento – todos de tendências fascistas – mas que, além disso, mostra um desprezo pela lógica e pela racionalidade e um ódio abafado aos intelectuais. A música própria deste tipo de fascismo democrático é um discurso que não se preocupa nem um pouco com a coerência, um discurso de impulso, confortável com alguns tweets noturnos, e que impõe uma espécie de deslocamento da linguagem, ostentando positivamente sua capacidade de dizer tudo e seu oposto. Para essas novas figuras políticas, o objetivo da linguagem não é mais explicar nada ou defender um ponto de vista de maneira articulada. Seu objetivo é produzir afetos, que são usados para criar uma unidade fugazmente poderosa, em grande parte artificial, mas capaz de ser explorada no momento..
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at position 1134 (ajuda) - Berry, Jeffrey M.; Sobieraj, Sarah (2014). The Outrage Industry: Political Opinion Media and the New Incivility e-book ed. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0199928972
- Blair, Gwenda (2000). The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a Presidential Candidate. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-80849-8
- Boggs, Carl (2018). Fascism Old and New e-book ed. New York, NY: Routledge. p. xii. ISBN 9781351049696.
At this juncture (November 2017) it is worth noting that the 2016 ascendancy of Donald Trump to the White House does not occur to the author as a specifically fascist moment in U.S. history, contrary to what is commonly heard in liberal and progressive circles. To be sure, Trump does possess strong elements of a leadership cult, replete with narcissism and grandiose visions ('making American great again') ... I have chosen to view Trump as representing an interregnum between existing power arrangements – that is, a militarized state-capitalism – and potential American fascism.
- Boyd, Gregory (2005). The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN 0-3102-8124-5
- Burnand, Francis Cowley, ed. (2004) [1892]. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 102, April 23, 1892. [S.l.]: Project Gutenberg. Consultado em 16 de dezembro de 2020. Cópia arquivada em 9 de janeiro de 2021
- Connolly, William (2017). Aspirational Fascism: The Struggle for Multifaceted Democracy under Trumpism. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-1517905125
- Dean, John; Altemeyer, Robert A. (2020). «Chapter 10: National Survey on Authoritarianism». Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and his Followers e-book ed. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House Publishing. ISBN 978-1612199061
- de la Torre, Carlos; Barr, Robert R.; Arato, Andrew; Cohen, Jean L.; Ruzza, Carlo (2019). Routledge Handbook of Global Populism. Col: Routledge International Handbooks. London/New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-315-22644-6
- Frum, David (2018). Trumpocracy. New York: Harper. p. 336. ISBN 978-0062796745
- Dionne, E. J.; Mann, Thomas E.; Ornstein, Norman (2017). One Nation After Trump: A Guide for the Perplexed, the Disillusioned, the Desperate, and the Not-yet Deported. New York: St. Martin's Press. p. 384. ISBN 978-1250293633
- Fea, John (2018). Believe Me: The Evangelical Road to Donald Trump. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. ISBN 978-1-4674-5046-1
- Feldman, Stanley (2020). «Authoritarianism, threat, and intolerance». In: Borgida; Federico; Miller. At the Forefront of Political Psychology: Essays in Honor of John L. Sullivan. [S.l.]: Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-1000768275. Consultado em 14 de outubro de 2020. Cópia arquivada em 15 de fevereiro de 2021
- Fuchs, Christian (2018). Digital Demagogue: Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter. [S.l.]: Pluto Press. JSTOR j.ctt21215dw.8
- Hart, Roderick P. (2020). «Trump's Arrival». Trump and Us (What He Says and Why People Listen). [S.l.]: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3–22. ISBN 978-1108854979. doi:10.1017/9781108854979.001
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell (2016). Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right e-book ed. New York: The New Press. ISBN 978-1-62097-226-7
- Horkheimer, Max; Adorno, Theodor W. (2002) [1947]. Noerr, Gunzelin Schmid, ed. Dialectic of Enlightenment—Philosophical Fragments. Col: Cultural Memory in the Present. Traduzido por Jephcott, Edmund e-book ed. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. ISBN 9780804788090
- Jaeger, C. Stephen (1985). The Origins of Courtliness: Civilizing Trends and the Formation of Courtly Ideals. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. ASIN B008UYP8H8
- Jeffress, Robert (2011). Twilight's Last Gleaming: How America's Last Days Can Be Your Best Days. Brentwood, TN: Worthy Publishing. ISBN 978-1936034581
- Kellner, Douglas (2020). «Donald Trump and the Politics of Lying». In: Peters, Michael A.; Rider, Sharon; Hyvonen, Mats; Besley, Tina. Post-Truth, Fake News: Viral Modernity & Higher Education. [S.l.]: Springer. ISBN 978-981-10-8013-5. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-8013-5
- Kessler, Glenn; Rizzo, Salvador; Kelly, Meg (2020). Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth: The Presidents Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-Out Lie. Col: Washington Post Books. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-9821-5108-9
- Kimmel, Michael (2017) [2013]. Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era 2017 ed. New York, NY: Perseus Books- PublicAffairs. ISBN 9781568589626
- Kimmel, Michael (2018). Healing from Hate: How Young Men Get Into—and Out of—Violent Extremism e-book ed. [S.l.]: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0520966086
- Laclau, Ernesto (2005). On Populist Reason. London/ Brooklyn, NY: Verso. ISBN 978-1-78873-133-1
- Le Bon, Gustave (2002) [1st pub. 1895]. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications. ISBN 978-0486419565
- Lifton, Robert Jay (2019). Losing Reality: On Cults, Cultism, and the Mindset of Political and Religious Zealotry ePub) ed. New York/London: New Press. ISBN 978-1620975121 (Page numbers correspond to the ePub edition.)
- Löwenthal, Leo; Guterman, Norbert (1970) [1949]. Prophets of Deceit: A Study of the Techniques of the American Agitator. New York: Harper & Brothers. ISBN 978-0870151828. Consultado em 8 de novembro de 2020. Cópia arquivada em 1 de novembro de 2020 (Cited page numbers correspond to the online version of the 1949, at
- Mansfield, Stephen (2017). Choosing Donald Trump God, Anger, Hope, and Why Christian Conservatives Supported Him. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. ISBN 978-1-4934-1225-9
- McIntyre, Lee (2018). Post-Truth. Col: MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 978-0262535045
- McAdams, Dan P. (2020). The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump: A Psychological Reckoning EPUB ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780197507469
- McManus, Matthew (2020). Hardwick, David; Marsh, Leslie, eds. The Rise Of Post-Modern Conservatism Neoliberalism, Post-Modern Culture, And Reactionary Politics e-book ed. [S.l.]: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-3-030-24682-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-24682-2
- Money-Kyrle, Roger (2015) [1941]. «The Psychology of Propaganda». In: Meltzer, Donald; O'Shaughnessy, Edna. The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. [S.l.]: Clunie Press.
Money-Kyle describes not a rhetorical pattern of problem–conflict–resolution, but a progression of psychoanalytic states of mind in the three steps: 1) melancholia, 2) paranoia and 3) megalomania.
- Nash, George H. (2017). «American Conservatism and the Problem of Populism». In: Kimball, Roger. Vox Populi: The Perils and Promises of Populism. New York: Encounter Books. p. 216. ISBN 978-1-59403-958-4. Consultado em 14 de outubro de 2020. Cópia arquivada em 15 de fevereiro de 2021
- Neuborne, Burt (2019). When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen's Guide to Defending Our Republic ePub) ed. New York/London: The New Press. ISBN 978-1620973585(Page numbers correspond to the ePub edition.)
- Pfiffner, James (2020). «The Lies of Donald Trump: A Taxonomy». Presidential Leadership and the Trump Presidency (PDF). [S.l.]: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 17–40. ISBN 978-3-030-18979-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-18979-2_2. Consultado em 24 de novembro de 2020. Cópia arquivada (PDF) em 27 de dezembro de 2020
- Postman, Neil (2005) [1985]. Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business 20th Anniversary ed. New York, NY: Penguin. ISBN 978-0143036531
- Pybus, Jennifer (2015). «Accumulating affect: social networks and their archives of feeling». In: Hillis, Ken; Paasonen, Susanna; Petit, Michael. Networked affect. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ISBN 9780262028646
- Sexton, Jared Yates (2017). The People Are Going to Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore: A Story of American Rage. Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint Press. ISBN 978-1-61902-956-9
- Smith, David Livingstone (2020). On Inhumanity: Dehumanization and How to Resist It ePub ed. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0190923020
- Sunstein, Cass (2007). Republic 2.0 e-book ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691133560
- Tarizzo, Davide (2021). Political grammars : the unconscious foundations of modern democracy. Col: Square One: First Order Questions in the Humanities. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. ISBN 9781503615328
- Temelkuran, Ece (2019). How to Lose a Country: The 7 Steps from Democracy to Dictatorship. [S.l.: s.n.] ISBN 978-0008340612
- Traverso, Enzo (2017). The New Faces of Fascism. Brooklyn, NY: Verso. ISBN 978-1-78873-046-4.
'Populism' is a category used as a self-defence mechanism by political elites who stand ever further from the people. According to Jacques Rancière: "Populism is the convenient name under which is dissimulated the exacerbated contradiction between popular legitimacy and expert legitimacy, that is, the difficulty the government of science has in adapting itself to manifestations of democracy and even to the mixed form of representative system. This name at once masks and reveals the intense wish of the oligarch: to govern without people, in other words, without any dividing of the people; to govern without politics.
- Trump, Donald J.; Schwartz, Tony (2011) [1987]. Trump: The Art of the Deal. [S.l.]: Random House—Ballantine Books. ISBN 978-0-307-57533-3
- van Prooijen, Jan-Willem (2018). The Psychology of Conspiracy. Col: The Psychology of Everything. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-315-52541-9
- Woodward, Bob (2018). Fear: Trump in the White House. New York: Simon & Schuster. p. 448. ISBN 978-1-4711-8130-6
editar- Alter, Ethan (14 de janeiro de 2021). «'The Punisher' star Jon Bernthal lashes out at 'misguided and lost' Capitol rioters for appropriating Marvel hero's famous skull symbol». Yahoo Entertainment. Consultado em 8 de fevereiro de 2021. Cópia arquivada em 9 de fevereiro de 2021
- Ampikaipakan, Umapagan (7 de maio de 2018). «What Is Wrong With Malaysia?». The New York Times. Consultado em 21 de junho de 2021
- Appel, Edward C. (2018). «Burlesque, Tragedy, and a (Potentially) "Yuuuge" "Breaking of a Frame": Donald Trump's Rhetoric as "Early Warning"?». Communication Quarterly. 66 (2): 157–175. doi:10.1080/01463373.2018.1439515
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- Assheuer, Thomas (16 de maio de 2018). «Donald Trump: Das Recht bin ich». Die Zeit (em alemão)
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Trumpism tapped into a long-standing sense of aggrievement that often—but not exclusively—manifests as white victimhood.
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- Benjamin, Rich (28 de setembro de 2020). «Democrats Need to Wake Up: The Trump Movement Is Shot Through With Fascism». The Intercept. Consultado em 19 de maio de 2020
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- Browning, Christopher R. (25 de outubro de 2018). «The Suffocation of Democracy». The New York Review. 65 (16). Consultado em 9 de junho de 2020. Cópia arquivada em 9 de junho de 2020.
Trump is not Hitler and Trumpism is not Nazism, but regardless of how the Trump presidency concludes, this is a story unlikely to have a happy ending.
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- A tradução para o inglês publicada pela Verso é do artigo: Butler, Judith; Salmon, Christian (18 de dezembro de 2016). «Judith Butler: pourquoi "Trump est un phénomène fasciste"». Mediapart (em francês). Consultado em 14 de maio de 2021
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Commenting on the hegemonic framing of the radical right as populist, and the analytical problems that it presents, Andrea Mammone observes in his Transnational Neofascism in France and Italy that "the terms populism and national populism" were deliberately introduced in recent decades by liberal European commentators in order to "replace fascism/neofascism as the used terminology." This move was designed to "provide a sort of political and democratic legitimization of right-wing extremism."
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As the social state came under severe attack, the punishing state grew with its ongoing militarization of civil society and its increasing criminalization of social problems. War, dehumanization, divisiveness, hate, and the language of racial cleansing and sorting became central governing principles and set the stage for the rebirth of an updated fascist politics. Trumpism reached into every niche and crack of civil and political society and in doing so cross-pollinated politics, culture, and everyday life with a range of right-wing policies, authoritarian impulses, and the emerging presence of right-wing movements.
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