- Esta predefinição é para processar corretamente árabe baseado em scripts que não utilizam o alfabeto árabe principal, também para garantir que diacríticos árabe apareçam corretamente.
- Fixação de tamanho da fonte em 125%
- Como usar: Type {{Script/árabe|موسوعة}} para dar-lhe موسوعة
Uso simples {{lang|ar|...}} para citação em linha de língua árabe. Use {{rtl-para}} para parágrafos inteiros de texto em árabe, no entanto, eles não forçam escolher as fontes em que predefinição.
A predefinição contém esta frase:
<span class="script-arabic" dir="rtl" style="font-family:'Arabic Transparent',Arial,Scheherazade,Lateef; font-size:125%; font-weight:normal;">{{{1}}}</span>‎
Uma versão antiga do Arabic Transparent é disponível gratuitamente online, mas não pode exibir um número de caracteres.
Any user can use another font with a different size by writing the following on his custom CSS. (see Help:User style)
- An example: Making the font size 130%, and choosing Times New Roman to be the main font with Arial as an additional font.
- Fonts with more than one word need to be put between
- Fonts with more than one word need to be put between
.script-arabic { font-size: 130% !important; font-family: "Times New Roman", Arial !important; }
- You may choose to add the line-height phrase if you wanted to make lines in a paragraph more spaced from each other, or less spaced.
line-height: 125%;
Remember to put it before the } and leave a space. The more number percentage, the more space is added. If you wanted to decrease the line height spacing, decrease the percentage. (You may use any number, examples: 85% or 140%)
- The only Arabic-based letter which isn't rendered properly initially/medially by Times New Roman is ېـ ـېـ ـې ې which is used in Pashto and Uyghur; the newest versions of the following fonts render it properly: Arabic Transparent, Arial, Scheherazade, Lateef, Microsoft Sans Serif, Segoe UI, Sakkal Majalla, Microsoft Uighur, Arabic Typesetting. (The newest versions which are available free-of-charge online are marked as bold.)
A demonstration with Scheherazade added first at 175%: موسوعة That font is freely available online, but if you chose to use it, you must increase the text size, because it shows it very small compared to other fonts.
.script-arabic { font-size: 175% !important; line-height: 95%; font-family: Scheherazade, Lateef, "Microsoft Uighur", "Sakkal Majalla", "Arabic Typesetting" !important; }