Predefinição:Sidebar/Exemplos para testes

Testes básicos

Mitologia celta
Política do Panamá
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Financial markets

Float tests

Description Main Testes
No float parameter

Text before

Text after: No float parameter defaults to floating right. This causes subsequent text to appear to the sidebar's left.

Text before

Text after: No float parameter defaults to floating right. This causes subsequent text to appear to the sidebar's left.

Empty float parameter

Text before

Text after: An empty float parameter also defaults to floating right. This causes subsequent text to appear to the sidebar's left.

Text before

Text after: An empty float parameter also defaults to floating right. This causes subsequent text to appear to the sidebar's left.

float = left

Text before

Text after: A "float=left" parameter floats the sidebar to the left instead of the right. This causes subsequent text to appear to the sidebar's right.

Text before

Text after: A "float=left" parameter floats the sidebar to the left instead of the right. This causes subsequent text to appear to the sidebar's right.

float = right

Text before

Text after: A "float=right" parameter floats the sidebar to the right, as usual. This causes subsequent text to appear to the sidebar's left.

Text before

Text after: A "float=right" parameter floats the sidebar to the right, as usual. This causes subsequent text to appear to the sidebar's left.

float = none

Text before

Text after: A "float=none" makes the sidebar not float at all. This causes subsequent text to appear below the sidebar.

Text before

Text after: A "float=none" makes the sidebar not float at all. This causes subsequent text to appear below the sidebar.

Outertitle and navbar options

Description Main Testes

The "outertitle" of a sidebar appears outside the sidebar's border, within the sidebar's top margin. The "outertitle" should not touch text above it, or the sidebar border below it.

The "outertitle" of a sidebar appears outside the sidebar's border, within the sidebar's top margin. The "outertitle" should not touch text above it, or the sidebar border below it.

Navbar off
Navbar style


Description Main Testes