Usuária:Vanessaelisa/Teste 1

Vanessaelisa/Teste 1
Boxers com orelhas naturais e cortadas
Nome original Deutscher Boxer
País de origem  Alemanha
Peso do macho acima de 30 kg
Peso da fêmea +/- 25 kg
Altura do macho 57 a 63 cm
Altura da fêmea 53 a 59 cm
Pelagem curto
Cor fulvo ou tigrado
Classificação e padrões
Federação Cinológica Internacional
Grupo 2
Seção 2 - Cães de tipo pinscher e schnauzer, molossoides, cães montanheses e boieiros suíços - molossóides
Estalão #144 - 8 de fevereiro de 2006

Boxer[Nota] (em alemão: Deutscher Boxer) é uma raça canina oriunda da Alemanha, de porte médio, compacto e pelo curto, macio e portado rente ao corpo. As cores aceitas são o fulvo (dourado) ou tigrado, com ou sem marcas brancas. Boxers são animais braquicefálicos, com crânio largo e curto, prognata, com focinho quadrado, nariz arrebitado e mandíbula forte, características adequadas para suas funções originais, de segurar firmemente presas de grande porte.

The Boxer was bred from the Old English Bulldog and the now extinct Bullenbeisser and is part of the Molosser group.

Boxers were first exhibited in a dog show for St. Bernards in Munich in 1895, the first Boxer club being founded the next year. Based on 2011 American Kennel Club statistics, Boxers are the seventh most popular breed of dog in the United States for the second year in a row, moving down from sixth where they were ranked for the previous three years.[1]


O boxer é um cão de tamanho médio, pelo liso, compacto, robusto, de construção quadrada e ossos fortes. A musculatura é seca, fortemente desenvolvida e nitidademente definida. Sua movimentação é enérgica, poderosa e nobre. O boxer não deve ser nem grosseiro, nem pesado, nem muito leve, nem sem substância.[2]
Proporções importantes do corpo e cabeça

A cabeça é a característica mais marcante do boxer. O padrão diz que a cabeca deve ser perfeitamente proporcional ao corpo, sem ser demasiado leve ou pesada. O focinho deve ser o mais largo possível, e seu comprimento, da ponta da trufa até o canto do olho, deve ser metade da distância entre o canto do olho e o osso occiptal, sem ser muito pequeno em relação ao crânio. Rugas descem simetricamente nas laterais do focinho, que deve ser levemente arrebitado. Dentes e língua à mostra são considerados faltas.

In addition a Boxer should be slightly prognathous, i.e., the lower jaw should protrude beyond the upper jaw and bend slightly upwards in what is commonly called an underbite or "undershot bite".[3]

Boxers were originally a docked and cropped breed, and this tradition is still maintained in some countries. However, due to pressure from veterinary associations, animal rights groups and the general public, both cropping of the ears and docking of the tail have been prohibited in many countries around the world. A line of naturally short-tailed (bobtail) Boxers was developed in the United Kingdom in anticipation of a tail docking ban there;[4] after several generations of controlled breeding, these dogs were accepted in the Kennel Club (UK) registry in 1998, and today representatives of the bobtail line can be found in many countries around the world. However, in 2008, the FCI added a "naturally stumpy tail" as a disqualifying fault in their breed standard, meaning those Boxers born with a bobtail are no longer able to be shown (or, in some cases, bred) in FCI member countries. In the United States and Canada as of 2012, cropped ears are still more common in show dogs, even though the practice of cosmetic cropping is currently opposed by the American Veterinary Medical Association.[5] In March 2005 the AKC breed standard was changed to include a description of the uncropped ear, but to severely penalize an undocked tail.

Boxers podem ser dourados (ao centro) ou tigrados (embaixo), com ou sem marcações brancas. Se estas ultrapassarem um terço do corpo, o cão é considerado um boxer "branco" (no topo).

O boxer é uma raça de pelo curto, com pelagem brilhante, macia e rente ao corpo. São duas as cores aceitas pelo padrão da raça: O fulvo (dourado) e o tigrado. Ambas freqüentemente possuem manchas brancas no peito e patas. Estas marcações podem se extender até o pescoço e focinho. A cor fulva pode ter diversas tonalidades, do amarelo claro ao vermelho escuro, sendo o tom médio (vermelho amarelado) o mais desejável. A variedade tigrada tem listras escuras ou pretas. Ambas variedades devem ter uma máscara negra.

Alguns boxers tigrados possuem tantas listras escuras que tem a aparência de "tigrado reverso", ou seja, negro com listras douradas. Estes cães muitas vezes são confundidos com boxers pretos, especialmente quando filhotes. Porém, o gene para pelagem preto sólido não existe na raça boxer, portanto, boxers negros são sempre mestiços.[6]

Boxers brancos


Boxers com mais de um terço do corpo coberto por manchas brancas são considerados "boxers brancos". Esses cães não são albinos nem raros; aproximadamente 20 a 25% de todos os boxers nascidos são brancos.[7] Geneticamente, estes cães são fulvos ou tigrados, com excessivas marcações brancas cobrindo a cor de base. Boxers brancos possuem um risco maior de sofrerem de queimaduras solares e câncer de pele do que os boxers mais pigmentados. O gene piebald, responsável pela cor branca nos boxers, está relacionado à surdez congênita em cães. Estudos indicam que aproximadamente 18% dos boxers brancos são surdos em um ou ambos ouvidos,[8] embora abrigos e entidades de resgate de cães abandonados relatem percentuais maiores, pois cães surdos são mais propensos a serem abandonados.[9][10] No passado, muitos criadores preferiam eutanasiar estes cães no nascimento. Atualmente os canis responsáveis preferem entregar estes filhotes para lares responsáveis, já esterilizados ou com contratos de castração futura.

Boxers brancos não são aceitos em exposições de beleza e sua reprodução é proibida por todos os clubes da raça no mundo, mas podem competir em eventos como competições de obediência e agility, e como os boxers de outras cores, podem ser utilizados como cães-guia ou terapeutas.


The character of the Boxer is of the greatest importance and demands the most solicitous attention. He is renowned from olden times for his great love and faithfulness to his master and household. He is harmless in the family, but distrustful of strangers, bright and friendly of temperament at play, but brave and determined when aroused. His intelligence and willing tractability, his modesty and cleanliness make him a highly desirable family dog and cheerful companion. He is the soul of honesty and loyalty, and is never false or treacherous even in his old age.
1938 AKC Boxer breed standard[11]

Boxers costumam ser cães energéticos e brincalhões, e tendem a ser bons cães para crianças. Como são cães fortes e ativos, precisam de excercícios adequados para prevenir comportamentos comuns em cães entediados, como morder, lamber e cavar.

Boxers are a bright, energetic and playful breed and tend to be very good with children. They are active, strong dogs and require adequate exercise to prevent boredom-associated behaviors such as chewing, digging, or licking. Boxers have earned a slight reputation of being "headstrong," which can be related to inappropriate obedience training. Owing to their intelligence and working breed characteristics, training based on corrections often has limited usefulness. Boxers, like other animals, typically respond better to positive reinforcement techniques such as clicker training, an approach based on operant conditioning and behaviorism, which offers the dog an opportunity to think independently and to problem-solve.[12][13] Stanley Coren's survey of obedience trainers, summarized in his book The Intelligence of Dogs, ranked Boxers at #48 – average working/obedience intelligence. Many who have worked with Boxers disagree quite strongly with Coren's survey results, and maintain that a skilled trainer who uses reward-based methods will find Boxers have far above-average intelligence and working ability.[12][13][14]

The Boxer by nature is not an aggressive or vicious breed. It is an instinctive guardian and can become very attached to its family. Like all dogs, it requires proper socialization.[15] Boxers are generally patient with smaller dogs and puppies, but difficulties with larger adult dogs, especially those of the same sex, may occur. Boxers are generally more comfortable with companionship, in either human or canine form.



The Boxer is part of the Molosser dog group, developed in Germany in the late 19th century from the now extinct Bullenbeisser, a dog of Mastiff descent, and Bulldogs brought in from Great Britain. The Bullenbeisser had been working as a hunting dog for centuries, employed in the pursuit of bear, wild boar, and deer. Its task was to seize the prey and hold it until the hunters arrived. In later years, faster dogs were favored and a smaller Bullenbeisser was bred in Brabant, in northern Belgium. It is generally accepted that the Brabanter Bullenbeisser was a direct ancestor of today's Boxer.[16] In 1894, three Germans by the names of Friedrich Robert, Elard Konig, and R. Hopner decided to stabilize the breed and put it on exhibition at a dog show. This was done in Munich in 1895, and the next year they founded the first Boxer Club, the Deutscher Boxer Club. The Club went on to publish the first Boxer breed standard in 1902, a detailed document that has not been changed much to this day.[17]

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Friedrich Robert and his Boxer, 1894

The breed was introduced to other parts of Europe in the late 19th century and to the United States around the turn of the 20th century. The American Kennel Club (AKC) registered the first Boxer in 1904, and recognized the first Boxer champion, Dampf vom Dom, in 1915. During World War I, the Boxer was co-opted for military work, acting as a valuable messenger dog, pack-carrier, attack dog, and guard dog. It was not until after World War II that the Boxer became popular around the world. Taken home by returning soldiers, they introduced the dog to a wider audience and soon became a favorite as a companion, a show dog, and a guard dog.

Early genealogy

Boxer early genealogy chart

The German citizen George Alt, a Munich resident, mated a brindle-colored bitch imported from France named Flora with a local dog of unknown ancestry, known simply as "Boxer", resulting in a fawn-and-white male, named "Lechner's Box" after its owner. This dog was mated with his own dam Flora, and one of its offspring was a bitch called Alt's Schecken. George Alt mated Schecken with a Bulldog named Dr. Toneissen's Tom to produce the historically significant dog Mühlbauer's Flocki. Flocki was the first Boxer to enter the German Stud Book after winning the aforementioned show for St. Bernards in Munich 1895, which was the first event to have a class specific for Boxers.[16][17]

The white bitch Ch. Blanka von Angertor, Flocki's sister, was even more influential when mated with Piccolo von Angertor (Lechner's Box grandson) to produce the predominantly white (parti-colored) bitch Meta von der Passage, which, even bearing little resemblance with the modern Boxer standard (early photographs depicts her as too long, weak-backed and down-faced), is considered the mother of the breed.[18][19] John Wagner, in The Boxer (first published in 1939) said the following regarding this bitch:[20]

Meta von der Passage played the most important role of the five original ancestors. Our great line of sires all trace directly back to this female. She was a substantially built, low to the ground, brindle and white parti-color, lacking in underjaw and exceedingly lippy. As a producing female few in any breed can match her record. She consistently whelped puppies of marvelous type and rare quality. Those of her offspring sired by Flock St. Salvator and Wotan dominate all present-day pedigrees. Combined with Wotan and Mirzl children, they made the Boxer.

O nome "boxer" supostamente deriva da tendência da raça em ficar em pé sobre as patas traseiras e "boxear" com suas patas dianteiras.

According to Andrew H. Brace's Pet owner's guide to the Boxer, this theory is the least plausible explanation.[18] He claims "it's unlikely that a nation so permeated with nationalism would give to one of its most famous breeds a name so obviously anglicised".

German linguistic and historical evidence find the earliest written source for the word Boxer in the 18th century, where it is found in a text in the Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch (The German Dictionary of Foreign Words),[21] which cites an author named Musäus of 1782 writing "daß er aus Furcht vor dem großen Baxer Salmonet ... sich auf einige Tage in ein geräumiges Packfaß ... absentiret hatte". At that time the spelling "baxer" equalled "boxer". Both the verb (boxen [English "to box, to punch, to jab"]) and the noun (Boxer) were common German words as early as the late 18th century. The term Boxl, also written Buxn or Buchsen in the Bavarian dialect, means "short (leather) trousers" or "underwear". The very similar-sounding term Boxerl, also from the Bavarian dialect, is an endearing term for Boxer.[22] More in line with historical facts, Brace states that there exist many other theories to explain the origin of the breed name, from which he favors the one claiming the smaller Bullenbeisser (Brabanter) were also known as "Boxl" and that Boxer is just a corruption of that word.[22]

Boxers on the first Boxer exhibition, Munich 1895

In the same vein runs a theory based on the fact that there were a group of dogs known as Bierboxer in Munich by the time of the breed's development. These dogs were the result from mixes of Bullenbeisser and other similar breeds. Bier (beer) probably refers to the Biergarten, the typical Munich beergarden, an open-air restaurant where people used to take their dogs along. The nickname "Deutscher Boxer" was derived from bierboxer and Boxer could also be a corruption of the former or a contraction of the latter.[23]

A passage from the book "The Complete Boxer" by Milo G Denlinger states:

It has been claimed that the name "Boxer" was jokingly applied by an English traveler who noted a tendency of the dog to use its paws in fighting. This seems improbable. Any such action would likely result in a badly bitten if not broken leg. On the other hand, a German breeder of forty years' experience states positively that the Boxer does not use his feet, except to try and extinguish a small flame such as a burning match. But a Boxer does box with his head. He will hit (not bite) a cat with his muzzle hard enough to knock it out and he will box a ball with his nose. Or perhaps, since the German dictionary translates 'boxer' as 'prize-fighter' the name was bestowed in appreciation of the fighting qualities of the breed rather than its technique.

Boxer is also the name of a dog owned by John Peerybingle, the main character on the best selling 1845 book The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens, which is evidence that "Boxer" was commonly used as a dog name by the early 19th century, before the establishment of the breed by the end of that same century.

The name of the breed could also be simply due to the names of the very first known specimens of the breed (Lechner's Box, for instance).



Leading health issues to which Boxers are prone include cancers, heart conditions such as Aortic Stenosis and Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (the so-called "Boxer Cardiomyopathy"), hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, and degenerative myelopathy and epilepsy; other conditions that may be seen are gastric dilatation and torsion (bloat), intestinal problems, and allergies (although these may be more related to diet than breed).[24][25] Entropion, a malformation of the eyelid requiring surgical correction, is occasionally seen, and some lines have a tendency toward spondylosis deformans, a fusing of the spine,[26] or dystocia.[27] Other conditions that are less common but occur more often in Boxers than other breeds are hystiocytic ulcerative colitis (sometimes called Boxer colitis), an invasive E. coli infection,[28] and indolent corneal ulcers, often called Boxer eye ulcers.

According to a UK Kennel Club health survey, cancer accounts for 38.5% of Boxer deaths, followed by old age (21.5%), cardiac (6.9%) and gastrointestinal (6.9%) related issues. Average age of death was 9 years and 8 months.[29] Responsible breeders use available tests to screen their breeding stock before breeding, and in some cases throughout the life of the dog, in an attempt to minimize the occurrence of these diseases in future generations.[30]

Boxers are known to be very sensitive to the hypotensive and bradycardiac effects of a commonly-used veterinary sedative, acepromazine.[31] It is recommended that the drug be avoided in the Boxer breed.[32]

As an athletic breed, proper exercise and conditioning is important for the continued health and longevity of the Boxer. Care must be taken not to over-exercise young dogs, as this may damage growing bones; however once mature Boxers can be excellent jogging or running companions. Because of their brachycephalic head, they do not do well with high heat or humidity, and common sense should prevail when exercising a Boxer in these conditions.


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An older Fawn enjoys boating on Lake Lanier, South Carolina.

Boxers are friendly, lively companions that are popular as family dogs. Their suspicion of strangers, alertness, agility, and strength make them formidable guard dogs. As puppies, Boxers demonstrate a fascinating combination of mood-mirroring expressions, energetic curiosity, flexible attention spans and charming characteristics. They sometimes appear at dog agility or obedience trials and flyball events. These strong and intelligent animals have also been used as service dogs, guide dogs for the blind, therapy dogs, police dogs in K9 units, and occasionally herding cattle or sheep. The versatility of Boxers was recognized early on by the military, which has used them as valuable messenger dogs, pack carriers, and attack and guard dogs in times of war.

Ver também



  1. American Kennel Club. «Registration Statistics» 
  2. «Padrão da raça boxer» (PDF). CBKC 
  3. American Boxer Club Illustrated Standard. «The Boxer Bite» 
  4. Dr. Bruce Cattanach. «Genetics Can Be Fun» 
  5. American Veterinary Medical Association. «Ear Cropping and Tail Docking of Dogs» 
  6. «Position statements - black boxers». American Boxer Club 
  7. «Boxer Club of Canada Code of Ethics». Boxer Club of Canada. Consultado em 23 de dezembro de 2012 
  8. «White Boxers and Deafness». American Boxer Club. Consultado em 23 de dezembro de 2012 
  9. «Coat Colors in Boxers». Sarkel Boxers. Consultado em 23 de dezembro de 2012 
  10. «Deaf whites in rescue». Boxer Rescue LA. Consultado em 23 de dezembro de 2012 
  11. «1938 AKC Boxer Breed Standard» 
  12. a b Karla Spitzer (2006). The Everything Boxer Book 1st ed. Avon, MA: F+W Publications, Inc. pp. 174–175. ISBN 1-59337-526-3 
  13. a b Joan Hustace Walker (2001). Training Your Boxer 1st ed. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, Inc. pp. 7, 11, 16–17. ISBN 0-7641-1634-7 
  14. Abraham, Stephanie (julho de 1994). «Your Boxer's IQ: Breaking The Code» (PDF). American Boxer Club/AKC Gazette. Consultado em 14 de julho de 2009 
  15. «Boxer Disposition and Temperament». 24 de maio de 2003. Consultado em 9 de junho de 2006 
  16. a b John Wagner. «Short History of the Boxer Breed». Consultado em 13 de julho de 2007 
  17. a b Anne Rogers Clark and Andrew H. Brace (ed.), ed. (1995). The International Encyclopedia of Dogs 1st ed. New York, New York: Howell Book house. pp. 140–142. ISBN 0-87605-624-9. OCLC 32697706 
  18. a b Brace, Andrew H. (2004). Pet Owner's Guide to the Boxer. [S.l.]: Interpet Ltd. ISBN 1-86054-288-3 
  19. Wagner, John (1939). The Boxer. [S.l.: s.n.] 
  20. Wagner, John (1950). The Boxer. [S.l.: s.n.] p. 47 
  21. Strauss, Gerhard; Kämper-Jensen, Heidrun; Nortmeyer, Isolde (1997). Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch Bd. 3. Berlin: de Gruyter; Auflage: 2., vollst. neubearb. Aufl. p. 468. ISBN 3-11-015741-1 
  22. a b Institute for the German Language, Mannheim and University of Osnabrück, Institute for Linguistic and Literary Sciences.
  23. «Chronik des Boxer-Klub E.V. Sitz München». Boxer-Klub E.V. – Sitz München – Deutscher Boxerklub. Consultado em 17 de agosto de 2006 
  24. American Boxer Club. «Boxer Health Information». Consultado em 5 de setembro de 2006 
  25. American Boxer Club. «Genetic and Suspect Diseases in the Boxer». Consultado em 5 de setembro de 2006 
  26. Fred Lanting. «Spondylosis Deformans» 
  27. A survey of dystocia in the Boxer breed
  28. Mansfield, CS; et al. (2009). «Remission of histiocytic ulcerative colitis in Boxer dogs correlates with eradication of invasive intramucosal Escherichia coli». Journal of veterinary internal medicine / American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 23 (5): 964–9. PMID 19678891. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2009.0363.x 
  29. Summary results of the Purebred Dog Health Survey for Boxers Report from the Kennel Club/British Small Animal Veterinary Association Scientific Committee
  30. American Boxer Club. «Recommendations for Health Screening of Boxers in Breeding Programs». Consultado em 5 de setembro de 2006 
  31. Jennifer Walker, ABC Health & Research Committee. «Acepromazine and Boxers – References». Consultado em 16 de janeiro de 2009 
  32. Wendy Wallner, DVM. «Warning on Acepromazine». Consultado em 16 de janeiro de 2009 



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