Hello. Source does actually say what that sentence is stating: "Se os vênetos eram mais loiros do que a maioria dos italianos [...]" (if the venetian were more blond than the majority of italians [...]), and the rest should be easy to assume ("e, em contrapartida, os meridionais são mais morenos" means and, in compensation, the southerners are darker), even tho the reference doesn't say that. I don't know much about the subject to know if this last part of the sentence is true or not, but it certainly seems so. It's an official brazilian foundation saying that, which is hard to deny unless even more reliable sources are given. Believing that the sentence isn't racist - I can't even believe someone who called us the worst things can say that - and it's verifiable, I don't see a reason to take it from the article. It can - and should, obviously - be talked about in Discussão:Imigração italiana no Brasil, but it's hard to talk when one's interests are to "publish racial articles on italian wikipedia against portugal and brasil" without arguing. Best regards, Daimore msg 13h06min de 24 de junho de 2009 (UTC)
- Yea, time for him to bother It would be great if he'd talk and argue in the talk page instead of attacking us. I'll see to it that what you told me gets discussed. Thanks for the info. Daimore msg 14h52min de 24 de junho de 2009 (UTC)