
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
A loop consists of a Latin A, a Hiragana a and two blue arrows lying between them
This translator translates from
English to Chinese.
Este usuário criou uma conta global. A conta principal dele é na Wikipédia (Chinese).
This user has autopatrolled rights on Chinese Wikipedia.Wikipedia
This user is a rollbacker on the Chinese Wikipedia. (verify·CA)
This user contributes to Asian Month.
Este usuário utiliza o SWViewer para reverter vandalismo.
TNThis user reads Tech News to be notified of upcoming technical changes.
User language
zh-N 中文是这位用户的母语
zh-Hant-5 這位使用者有專業水準的繁體中文知識。
lzh-3 此君工於文言也。
zh-Hans-3 这位用户的简体中文达到高级水平。
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
Users by language
Greeting! I hail from Taiwan, Republic of China. Please feel free to contact me.

中文維基百科 Chinese Wikipedia (main wiki)Userpage:人人生來平等

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