Usuário:Eduardo Gottert/Testes/Hunter College

Predefinição:Infobox university

Hunter College é uma universidade pública em Nova Iorque. É uma das faculdades constituintes da Universidade da Cidade de Nova Iorque, e oferece cursos em mais de cem área de graduação e pós-graduação, distribuídos entre cinco institutos. Também administra a Hunter College High School e a Hunter College Elementary School, que oferecem ensino médio e fundamental, respectivamente.[1]

A universidade foi fundada em 1870 como um colégio feminino, admitindo alunos masculinos apenas em 1946.[2] O principal câmpus é localizado na Park Avenue desde 1873. Em 1943, Eleanor Roosevelt doou a casa dela e de Franklin Delano Roosevelt à faculdade, e a construção foi reaberta em 2010 como o Instituto de Políticas Públicas da Casa Roosevelt na Hunter College.[3] A taxa de graduação na instituição é de 57% nos primeiros seis anos de curso.[4]




Faculdade Normal de Nova Iorque vista da Park Avenue (1874), desenho baseado em foto por George G. Rockwood.

Hunter College origina-se do movimento para treinamento em escolas normais que se espalhou pelos Estados Unidos no século XIX. A faculdade começou como Female Normal and High School, estabelecida em Nova Iorque no ano de 1870, fundada por Thomas Hunter, natural de Ardglass, exilado da Irlanda pelas suas posições nacionalistas irlandesas.[5] A Normal School foi uma das várias instituições ocupando um terreno que o governo municipal de Nova Iorque reservou para "instituições servindo um propósito público".[6] Hunter foi presidente da escola pelos primeiros 37 anos. Era originalmente uma faculdade para mulheres, com objetivo de treinar professoras. A escola, que operava em um depósito de armamentos e selas na Broadway e East 4th Street em Manhattan, era aberta para todas as mulheres qualificadas, sem distinção de raça, religião ou etnia. Na época, a maior parte das faculdades femininas tinham distinção étnicas e religiosas para admissão.

Criada pela legislatura do Estado de Nova Iorque, Hunter era reconhecida como a única instituição aprovada para aqueles que buscavam ser professores na cidade de Nova Iorque. A faculdade incorporou uma escola de ensino básico para crianças superdotadas, onde estudantes praticavam o ensino. Em 1887, um jardim de infância também foi estabelecido. Atualmente, as escolas de educação básica ainda existem, mas são localizadas em outro endereço, e chamadas de Hunter College Campus Schools.

Aluna Helen Campbell estudando ciência de rádios num programa iniciado na Hunter College em 1979 pela Liga Nacional pelo Serviço das Mulheres, para treinar operadoras de rádio durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial.

Durante o mandato de Thomas Hunter como presidente da faculdade, a mesma ficou conhecida por sua imparcialidade quanto a etnia, religião, raça, poder financeiro ou favoritismo político, e também por sua busca por educação superior para mulheres, os requisitos de entrada e os estudos rigorosos. A primeira professora feminina na faculdade, Helen Gray Cone, foi selecionada para a posição em 1899.[7] A quantidade de alunos rapidamente aumentou e então, em 1873, o colégio se mudou para um novo edifício, de arquitetura gótica com tijolos vermelhos, em frente à Park Avenue, entre a 68th e a 69th Street.[8] Era uma das muitas instituições construídas num terreno em Lenox Hill, que funcionaria como um parque, porém antes de sua criação, foi inaugurado o Central Park.[9] Depois do cancelamento do parque no Lenox Hill, os terrenos foram arrendados para instituições como a Hunter College.[10]

Em 1888, a instituição foi incorporada como uma faculdade nos estatutos do estado de Nova Iorque, tomando o nome Normal College da Cidade de Nova Iorque, como a permissão de conferir diplomas de Bacharel em Artes. Isso levou a separação da instituilão em dois campi: Os "Normais", que iam em busca de um diploma de quatro anos para se tornar professores licenciados, e os "Acadêmicos", que iam em busca de diplomas não relacionados ao ensino e bacharelados em artes. Após 1902, quando a trilha "Normal" foi extinta, os acadêmicos se tornaram o padrão dos estudantes.



Em 1913, o lado leste da construção, que abrigava a escola de ensino fundamental, foi substituída pelo Thomas Hunter Hall, um novo prédio em arquitetura Tudor e construído com calcário, que fica de frente para a Avenida Lexington. Essa construção foi desenhada pelo arquiteto C. B. J. Snyder.[6] No ano seguinte, a instituição foi renomeada de Normal College para Hunter College, a fim de homenagear seu primeiro presidente. Ao mesmo tempo, a instutição estava num período de grande expansão, para acomodar o crescente número de estudantes matriculados. Estabeleceu novos campi em Brooklyn, Queens e Staten Island, três burgos da Nova Iorque. Em 1920, a Hunter College tinha mais estudantes femininas do que qualquer outra faculdade municipal dos Estados Unidos. Em 1930, o câmpus da Hunter College em Brooklyn se fundiu com o da City College, se tornando o Broklyn College.

Abertura do campo de recrutas da Marinha dos EUA para WAVES no câmpus do Bronx, 8 de fevereiro de 1943

Em fevereiro de 1936, um incêndio destruiu a construção gótica de 1873.[11] Planos para uma nova construção foram anunciados em 1937,[12] e já em 1940 a Administração de Obras Públicas o substituiu pelo prédio norte, em arquitetura moderna.[8][13]

No final da década de 1930 foi construído o câmpus da Hunter College no Bronx (que mais tarde viria a se chamar Bronx College). Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Hunter arrendou as construções do câmpus do Bronx para a Marinha dos Estados Unidos, que usou-as para treinar 95 mil mulheres voluntárias para diferentes serviços militares.[14] Quando a marinha deixou o câmpus, o local foi brevemente ocupado pela recém-criada ONU, que sediou suas primeiras sessões do Conselho de Segurança lá em 1946, tornando a instituição conhecida internacionalmente.[15]

No ano de 1943, Eleanor Roosevelt dedicou uma casa na cidade, localizada entre na East 65th Street em Manhattam para a Hunter College. A casa era residência de Eleanor e seu marido, Franklin D. Roosevelt, antes deste assumir a presidência.[16] O Instituto de Políticas Públicas da Casa Roosevelt na Hunter College abriu o local em 2010 como um centro acadêmico para sediar palestras proeminentes.

CUNY era

The West (seen here in the background) and East Buildings were constructed in 1981–86 – following a delay due to the 1975 New York City fiscal crisis – and were designed in the Modernist style by Ulrich Franzen & Associates; skyways connect all the buildings

Hunter became the women's college of the municipal system, and in the 1950s, when City College became coeducational, Hunter started admitting men to its Bronx campus. In 1964, the Manhattan campus began admitting men also.[carece de fontes?] The Bronx campus subsequently became Lehman College in 1968.[17]

In 1968–1969, Black and Puerto Rican students struggled to get a department that would teach about their history and experience. These and supportive students and faculty expressed this demand through building take-overs, rallies, etc. In Spring 1969, Hunter College established Black and Puerto Rican Studies (now called Africana/Puerto Rican and Latino Studies). An "open admissions" policy initiated in 1970 by the City University of New York opened the school's doors to historically underrepresented groups by guaranteeing a college education to any and all who graduated from NYC high schools. Many African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, Puerto Ricans, and students from the developing world made their presence felt at Hunter, and even after the end of "open admissions" still comprise a large part of the school's student body. As a result of this increase in enrollment, Hunter opened new buildings on Lexington Avenue during the early 1980s. In further advancing Puerto Rican studies, Hunter became home to the Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños ("Center for Puerto Rican Studies" or simply "Centro") in 1982.

In 2006, Hunter became home to the Bella Abzug Leadership Institute, which has training programs for young women to build their leadership, public speaking, business and advocacy skills.



Main campus

North Building
69th Street entrance
From Park Avenue
Bridges between the East and West Buildings, the subway entrance, and Tony Smith's Tau

Hunter College is anchored by its main campus at East 68th Street and Lexington Avenue, a modern complex of three towers – the East, West, and North Buildings – and Thomas Hunter Hall, all interconnected by skywalks. The institution's official street address is 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065. The address is based on the North Building, which stretches from 68th to 69th Streets along Park Avenue.

The main campus is situated two blocks east of Central Park, near many New York cultural institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Asia Society Museum, and the Frick Collection. The New York City Subway's 68th Street–Hunter College station (Predefinição:NYCS trains) on the IRT Lexington Avenue Line is directly underneath, and serves the entire campus.[18] Adjacent to the staircase to the station, in front of the West Building, sat an iconic Hunter sculpture, Tau, created by late Hunter professor and artist Tony Smith.

The main campus is home to the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education. It features numerous facilities that serve not only Hunter, but the surrounding community, and is well known as a center for the arts. The Assembly Hall, which seats more than 2,000, is a major performance site; the Sylvia and Danny Kaye Playhouse, a 675-seat proscenium theatre, has over 100,000 visitors annually and hosts over 200 performances each season; the Ida K. Lang Recital Hall is a fully equipped concert space with 148 seats; the Frederick Loewe Theatre, a 50 x 54 -pé (16 m) black box performance space is the site of most department performances; and the Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery hosts professionally organized art exhibits.[19]

Students have access to specialized learning facilities at the main campus, including the Dolciani Mathematics Learning Center, the Leona and Marcy Chanin Language Center, and the Physical Sciences Learning Center. Hunter has numerous research laboratories in the natural and biomedical sciences. These labs accommodate post-docs, PhD students from the CUNY Graduate School, and undergraduate researchers.[20]

College sports and recreational programs are served by the Hunter Sportsplex, located below the West Building.[21]

Satellite campuses


Hunter has two satellite campuses. The Silberman School of Social Work Building, located on Third Avenue between East 118th and East 119th Streets, houses the School of Social Work, the School of Urban Public Health, and the Brookdale Center on Aging. The Brookdale Campus, located at East 25th Street and First Avenue, houses the Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, the Schools of the Health Professions, the Health Professions Library and several research centers and computer labs.[22]

The Brookdale Campus is the site of the Hunter dormitory, which is home to over 600 undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a limited number of nurses employed at Bellevue Hospital. Prior to the opening of City College's new "Towers," the Brookdale complex was the City University's only dormitory facility. In October 2022, New York Governor Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the Brookdale Campus would be replaced by the CUNY Science Park and Research Campus (SPARC), with construction set to begin in 2026.[23] The Predefinição:Convert/ft2 campus is planned to contain space for Hunter College, Borough of Manhattan Community College, and the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy.[24]

Other facilities


The institution owns and operates property outside of its main campuses, including the MFA Building at 205 Hudson, Roosevelt House, Baker Theatre Building, Silberman School of Social Work, and the Hunter College Campus Schools. The MFA Studio Art program was formerly run out of a building on West 41st Street between 9th and 10th Avenues. It was a 12 000 -pé-quadrado (1 100 m2) industrial space that students converted to studio space for the college's BFA and MFA program. The current building in Tribeca now houses the Studio Art and Integrated Media Arts MFA program, and Art History MA program.[25] Roosevelt House, located on East 65th Street, is the historic family home of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Hunter's Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute is now located there, honoring the public policy commitments of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.[26] Baker Theatre Building located on 149 East 67th Street, New York, NY 10065 is the home of Hunter's Department of Theatre thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Hunter trustee Patty Baker ’82 and her husband, Jay.[27] The Silberman School of Social Work is located between 118th and 119th streets on 3rd Avenue. The Hunter Campus Schools—Hunter College High School and Hunter College Elementary School—are publicly funded schools for the intellectually gifted. Located at East 94th Street, the Campus Schools are among the nation's oldest and largest elementary and secondary schools of their kind.[28]



The Leon & Toby Cooperman Library entrance is located on the third-floor walkway level of the East Building. The Cooperman Library has individual and group study rooms, special facilities for students with disabilities, networked computer classrooms and labs for word processing and internet access.[29]

The Social Work & Urban Public Health Library, located on the main floor of the Silberman Building, (SWUPHL) serves the academic and research needs of the Silberman School of Social Work as well as Hunter’s Urban Public Health, Community Health Education, and Nutrition programs.

Silberman patrons have remote access to the Hunter Libraries electronic collections which include 250,000 full-text eBooks, 100,000 eJournals, and over 300 electronic databases.  SWUPHL is a pick-up/drop-off site for the CUNY intra-library loan system (CLICS) that facilitates the sharing of books between all the CUNY libraries.  In addition, SWUPHL participates in the national interlibrary loan program for academic libraries. These reciprocal agreements allow the patrons of SWUPHL extensive access to a multitude of collections.

The SWUPHL Faculty provide drop-in and by-appointment reference services, research consultations, classroom and individual instruction.  The library has 6 group study rooms, group and silent study areas, desktop computers, a laptop computer loan program, photocopiers, printing stations, and a book scanner.[30]

The Judith and Stanley Zabar Art Library, dedicated in December 2008, was made possible through the support of Judith Zabar, a member of the Hunter College Class of 1954, and her husband Stanley Zabar.[31]  



Hunter is organized into four schools: The School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education, the School of the Health Professions, and the School of Social Work. The institution had an undergraduate admissions acceptance rate of 36% in Fall 2018.[32] Hunter offers over 120 undergraduate programs. These include 5 undergraduate certificates, 73 BA degree programs, 10 BS degree programs, and 25 bachelor's-to-master's joint degree programs. The college also offers over 100 graduate programs.

Students at Hunter may study within the fields of fine arts, the humanities, the language arts, the sciences, the social sciences, and the applied arts and sciences, as well as in professional areas in accounting, education, health sciences, and nursing. Regardless of area of concentration, all undergraduate Hunter students are encouraged to have broad exposure to the liberal arts; Hunter was one of the first colleges in the nation to pass a 12-credit curriculum requirement for pluralism and diversity courses.[21]

Honors programs


Hunter offers several honors programs, including the Macaulay Honors College and the Thomas Hunter Honors Program. The Macaulay Honors College, a CUNY-wide honors program, supports the undergraduate education of academically gifted students. University Scholars benefit from a full tuition scholarship (up to the value of in-state tuition only as of Fall 2013, effectively restricting it to NY state residents), personalized advising, early registration, access to internships, and study abroad opportunities. All scholars at Hunter are given the choice of either a free dormitory room at the Brookdale Campus for two years or a yearly stipend.[33]

The Thomas Hunter Honors Program offers topical interdisciplinary seminars and academic concentrations designed to meet students’ individual interests. The program is open to outstanding students pursuing a BA and is orchestrated under the supervision of an Honors Council. It can be combined with, or replace, a formal departmental major/minor.[34]

Hunter offers other honors programs, including Honors Research Training Programs and Departmental Honors opportunities, The Freshmen Honors Scholar Programs inclusive of the Athena Scholar program, Daedalus Scholar program, Muse Scholar program, Nursing Scholar program, Roosevelt Scholar program, and the Yalow Scholar program.[35]

In addition to these honors programs, several honors societies are based at Hunter, including Phi Beta Kappa (PBK). A small percentage of Hunter students are invited to join Hunter's Nu chapter of PBK, which has existed at the college since 1920.[21]

Student life


Student governance


The Hunter College student body is governed by the Undergraduate Student Government and the Graduate Student Association (GSA),.

Hunter offers approximately 150 clubs. These organizations range from the academic to the athletic, and from the religious/spiritual to the visual and performing arts. There are clubs based on specific interests, such as "Russian Club", which offers a look at Russian life and culture and "InterVarsity Christian Fellowship" an organization whose vision is to "transform students and faculty, renew the campus, and develop world changers."[36]

Fraternities and sororities


National – Social

National – Service

Local – Social

  • Alpha Sigma (ΑΣ) – local social sorority
  • Nu Phi Delta (ΝΦΔ) – local multicultural social fraternity

Local – Service

  • Theta Phi Gamma (ΘΦΓ) – local cultural and philanthropic sorority
  • Epsilon Sigma Phi (ΕΣΦ) – local multicultural service sorority
  • Zeta Phi Alpha (ΖΦΑ) – local service sorority


  • Gamma Ce Upsilon (ΓCΥ) – non-Greek Latina sorority
  • Rho Psi Eta (ΡΨΙ) – pre-health sorority

Student media


Hunter College has a campus radio station, WHCS, which once broadcast at 590AM but is now solely online.[37] The Envoy is the main campus newspaper, published bi-weekly during the academic year. Its literary and art magazine The Olivetree Review offers opportunities for publishing student prose, poetry, drama, and art.[a] Other publications include Culture Magazine (fashion and lifestyle),[b] Hunted Hero Comics (comics and graphic stories),[c] The Photographer's Collective (photography),[d] Nursing Student Press (medical news and articles), Spoon University (culinary online publication), Psych News (psychology),[e] The Wistarion (yearbook), SABOR (Spanish language and photography/now defunct), Revista De La Academia (Spanish language/now defunct), the Islamic Times (now defunct), Political Paradigm (political science/now defunct), Hakol (Jewish interest/now defunct), and Spoof (humor/now defunct).[38]

Past publications also include The WORD[39] (news) and Hunter Anonymous.[40]



Hunter is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and competes at the Division III level.[41][42]

The mascot is the Hawks. Hunter plays in the City University of New York Athletic Conference.

The basketball, volleyball and wrestling teams play at the Hunter Sportsplex.[43]

Manhattan/Hunter College Science High School


As a partnership with the New York City Department of Education, the Manhattan/Hunter College High School for Sciences (not to be confused with Hunter College High School) was opened in 2003 on the campus of the former Martin Luther King, Jr. High School on the Upper West Side. Unlike Hunter's campus schools, Hunter Science does not require an entrance exam for admission.[44]

Notable alumni



This list covers alumni in visual, musical, and performing arts.



Entertainment and sports


Government, politics, and social issues


Literature and journalism


Science and technology


Notable faculty


Predefinição:Multiple issues

Jeannette Brown
Nathan Englander
Lillian Rosanoff Lieber
Gary Shteyngart
Dr. Ruth Westheimer



Informational notes

  1. See: «The Olivetree Review: About». Consultado em 18 de agosto de 2015 
  2. See: «cult. magazine». Consultado em 18 de agosto de 2015 – via 
  3. See archive of at Arquivado em setembro 10, 2015, no Wayback Machine
  4. See
  5. See


  1. «Office of the President – Hunter College». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  2. Gray, Christopher (20 de abril de 2008). «The Vestige of What Might Have Been». The New York Times 
  3. «Mission publicado=Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  4. «City University of New York: Hunter College | The College Board». (em inglês). Consultado em 30 de junho de 2020 
  5. Farr, Mary (2009). «Thomas Hunter». Lecale Review. 7 
  6. a b Gray, Christopher (20 de abril de 2008). «The Vestige of What Might Have Been». The New York Times (em inglês). ISSN 0362-4331. Consultado em 14 de fevereiro de 2024 
  7. «Young Women Graduated». The New York Times. 23 de junho de 1899 
  8. a b Gray, Christopher (29 de fevereiro de 2004). «Streetscapes/Hunter College on 68th Street and Park Avenue; Industrial-Style Main Building Raised Storm in 1940». The New York Times. Consultado em 20 de março de 2024 
  9. «Types of Artistic Manhattan Residences Predominate in Old Yorkville District». The New York Times. 4 de fevereiro de 1912. Consultado em 20 de março de 2024 
  10. Gray, Christopher (12 de outubro de 2012). «Seventh Regiment Armory/Streetscapes». The New York Times. Consultado em 20 de março de 2024 
  11. «FIRE SWEEPS UNIT OF HUNTER COLLEGE; Destroys Large Part of Original Building at Park Avenue and Sixty-ninth Street. WATCHMAN GIVES ALARM Traffic Is Diverted by Night Blaze, Which Attracts Crowds of Spectators.». The New York Times. 14 de fevereiro de 1936. Consultado em 26 de março de 2024 
  12. «HUNTER BUILDING TO RISE 16 STORIES; Preliminary Plans Submitted for Structure to Replace One Razed by Fire 'LITTLE THEATRE' IN IT Auditorium to Seat 2,500 Also Included in Set-Up of the New College Will Face Sixty-ninth Street Space for Laboratories». The New York Times. 16 de outubro de 1937. Consultado em 26 de março de 2024 
  13. «Hunter College: North Building - New York NY». Consultado em 1 de julho de 2023 
  14. «Free A Marine to Fight: Women Marines in World War II (Early Training: Holyoke and Hunter)». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  15. «History of Lehman College». Arquivado do original em 30 de agosto de 2010 
  16. Dunlap, David W. (18 de março de 2003). «Fixing Monument To Mother-in-Law; Sara Delano Roosevelt Ruled Home of Franklin and Eleanor». The New York Times. Consultado em 26 de março de 2024 
  17. «Hunter's Bronx Unit Now Lehman College». The New York Times (em inglês). 2 de julho de 1968. ISSN 0362-4331. Consultado em 7 de maio de 2024 
  18. «68th Street Campus Map | Hunter College». Hunter College | (em inglês). 16 de janeiro de 2019. Consultado em 14 de fevereiro de 2024 
  19. «"The Arts at Hunter", January 4, 2008». Arquivado do original em 17 de julho de 2011 
  20. «"Hunter College Score Program", December 1, 2007». 15 de janeiro de 2014. Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  21. a b c «"About Hunter: In Brief", December 1, 2007 The Sportsplex, a major athletics center in the metropolitan area, is built entirely underground and is the deepest building in New York City. It features numerous competition and practice facilities, including multiple gymnasiums, racquetball courts, a weight room, locker areas, a training room, Hall of Fame, showcases, classrooms, and offices. [, "All About Athletics,"] December 1, 2007». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014  Ligação externa em |título= (ajuda)
  22. «"Brookdale Campus", December 2, 2007». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  23. «Hunter students question fate of affordable campus housing with dorm slated for demolition». City & State NY (em inglês). 17 de outubro de 2022. Consultado em 18 de julho de 2023 
  24. Graham, Aidan (17 de novembro de 2023). «Mayor, Governor announce details of $1.6 billion Kips Bay life sciences hub | amNewYork». (em inglês). Consultado em 21 de novembro de 2023 
  25. «205 Hudson». Consultado em 3 de dezembro de 2020 
  26. «Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  27. «Patty and Jay Baker's Gift of $15M Funds Baker Hall | Hunter College». 27 de janeiro de 2014. Consultado em 9 de novembro de 2019 
  28. «Borough President and City Council Capital Funding Requests FY 2008» (PDF). Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014. Cópia arquivada (PDF) em 29 de março de 2012 
  29. «Leon & Toby Cooperman | Hunter College Libraries». Consultado em 8 de setembro de 2022 
  30. «Social Work & Urban Public Health Library | Hunter College Libraries». Consultado em 8 de setembro de 2022 
  31. «Zabar Art Library | Hunter College Libraries». Consultado em 8 de setembro de 2022 
  32. «Hunter College». US News. Consultado em 13 de maio de 2011. Arquivado do original em 23 de julho de 2011 
  33. "Macaulay Honors College at CUNY-Hunter College" December 1, 2007
  34. «"Thomas Hunter Honors Program", December 1, 2007». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  35. «Honors Scholar Programs at Hunter College». Consultado em 28 de setembro de 2022 
  36. Maritza (21 de fevereiro de 2014). «InterVarsity Christian Fellowship: Home Page». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  37. «Casinospel online – Hög return to player». Consultado em 1 de julho de 2023 
  38. * «Student Activities: Media». Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014 
  39. «The Word». 16 de outubro de 2007. Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014. Cópia arquivada em 24 de maio de 2013 
  40. «Hunter Anonymous». Hunter Anonymous. Consultado em 29 de junho de 2014. Cópia arquivada em 12 de dezembro de 2008 
  41. «Hunter College Hawks - Hunter College». 
  42. «Hunter College». 13 de julho de 2007. Cópia arquivada em 13 de julho de 2007 
  43. «Hunter Sportsplex». Consultado em 2 de abril de 2019 
  44. Manhattan/Hunter College High School for Science at
  45. Genocchio, Benjamin. "A Career Built on Exploring the Boundaries of Art", The New York Times, November 30, 2003. Retrieved December 6, 2009. "When, in 1974, he took up residence in Teaneck, with his wife and two sons, he was a young artist and lecturer at Hunter College in New York."
  46. Smith, Roberta. "Doug Ohlson, Painter of Vivid Abstracts, Dies at 73", The New York Times, July 23, 2010. Retrieved July 24, 2010.
  47. «O, The Oprah Magazine, Features Hunter MFA Alumna Abbey Ryan – Hunter College». Consultado em 9 de agosto de 2016 
  48. Willis, John (1977). Dance World 1976. New York: Crown Publishers. p. 176. ISBN 9780517526590.
  49. «Hamlet Led to the Mike». The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. 20 de agosto de 1947. p. 13. Consultado em 23 de agosto de 2020 – via 
  50. «Quinn Marston». 13 de maio de 2011. Consultado em 8 de julho de 2011. Arquivado do original em 2 de abril de 2012. Marston ... earned a full ride scholarship to Hunter College 
  51. «TurnStyle Music Group Presents Quinn Marston». Daily News (New York). 22 de julho de 2010. Consultado em 4 de julho de 2011. Arquivado do original em 7 de outubro de 2011. July 22 7:30p at The National Underground, New York, NY 
  52. «PASSINGS: Simon MacCorkindale, Janet MacLachlan». Los Angeles Times. 17 de outubro de 2010. Consultado em 27 de outubro de 2010 
  53. "Rialto Players to Offer Mystery Play; Florence Ravenel". The Journal Times. September 29, 1928. p. 8. Retrieved May 4, 2024.
  54. Adderton, Donald V. (May 1, 1998). "Sanders' jazzy sounds shine through on CD". Biloxi Sun Herald. p. 62. Retrieved January 5, 2022.
  55. Bakerman, Jane S. (1980). John M. Reilly, ed. Twentieth-Century Crime and Mystery Writers. [S.l.]: Macmillan. pp. 1251–54 
  56. «Curriculum Vitae Erich D. Jarvis» (PDF). Consultado em 27 de março de 2012. Arquivado do original em 27 de março de 2012 
  57. Tolliver, Willie (11 de junho de 2013), «Leashore, Bogart», Encyclopedia of Social Work, ISBN 978-0-19-997583-9 (em inglês), doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.734 
  58. «Mina Spiegel Rees (1902–1997)» (PDF). Consultado em 1 de julho de 2023 
  59. Tryon, Edward P. (1973). «Is the Universe a Vacuum Fluctuation». Nature. 246 (5433): 396–397. Bibcode:1973Natur.246..396T. doi:10.1038/246396a0 
  60. Impey, Chris (2012). How it Began: A Time-Traveler's Guide to the Universe. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. p. 411. ISBN 978-0-393-08002-5 
  61. Levin, Neil M. Biography: Jacob Weinberg 1879–1956. Milken Archive. Retrieved August 29, 2014.
  62. « - Transcripts». 
  63. «Sex Therapist Dr. Ruth Admits She Is 'Glad' Her Kids 'Never' Asked Mom for Relationship Advice». 8 de setembro de 2019 
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