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- Todo o indispensável... para começar a editar: não deixe de ler. Desejo-lhe uma boa estada na Wikipédia! Reynaldo Avaré Msg 00h19min de 3 de novembro de 2009 (UTC)

na caixa de boas vindas, e "Dicas" <--clique aqui
Obrigado!---Reynaldo Avaré Msg 00h19min de 3 de novembro de 2009 (UTC)
I'm afraid not. There is no audience for such kind of Brazilian films in Brazil, but only for blockbusters like Tropa de Elite. But I have just find it available at Youtube. Good picture. Yanguas diz!-fiz 23h18min de 21 de agosto de 2013 (UTC)
PS: If you like this film, you'll probably like Aleluia, Gretchen. Yanguas diz!-fiz 23h22min de 21 de agosto de 2013 (UTC)
- I just discovered Aleluia, Gretchen a couple of days ago here at ptwiki.
- If you like working in enwiki sometimes, you are more than welcome to do the honours, and add Gretchen to the en:List of World War II films, which I also had a lot to do with.
- YouTube, thank you, I will check.
- My public library has both Tropa de Elite 1 and Tropa de Elite 2. And you know what?
- I enjoyed both films. They are well-made and exciting. They are like the better kind of 1970s Hollywood police films. Like Serpico, about police corruption in New York City.
- Could you help me with my new problem?
- I just wrote a new page for ptwiki, but I need a Portuguese title.
- In English, it is called "The 100 Best Crime Novels of All Time".
- So that would be ... Os 100 melhores romans policiales de todos os tempos ... ???
- In Toronto, Varlaam (discussão) 01h20min de 22 de agosto de 2013 (UTC)
- P.S. Are there any fiction films about the Brazilian Division in Italy in World War II?
- The best title would be [[Anexo:Os 100 melhores romances policiais de todos os tempos segundo...]]. You must mention "according to", and the domain must be "Anexo", because it is a list. E.g.: Anexo:Os 100 livros do século do Le Monde
- My English is a little bit rusty, that's why I do not edit at en:Wiki so much.
- Sylvio Back once made a documentary called Rádio Auriverde, about government propaganda in WW2, but I did not watch it.(
- Of course Tropa de Elite 1 and 2 are good films, I meant that Brazilians like violent movies, but not dramas (not Brazilian dramas). Central Station was a exception because it ran for the Oscar.
- Well, time to go to bed. Bye. Yanguas diz!-fiz 05h04min de 22 de agosto de 2013 (UTC)
- I am guessing that you are having fun with me because I wrote Anexo:Os 100 livros do século do Le Monde two years ago.
- No, I am not.
- Ok. Well, then I'm happy that a page I wrote is a point of reference in Portuguese.
- I was the IMDb's expert on World War II documentaries back in the 1990s. I created the IMDb pages for all of the real people, Nazis, generals, but also presidents, prime ministers, kings, civil rights leaders, and so on. I created the IMDb pages for Goering, Goebbels, Stalin, Lenin, and so on.
- So if you go to the IMDb to see which Nazis (1st rank, 2nd, and 3rd) are in Leni Riefenstahl's documentary Triumph of the Will, you are looking at my original research.
- I contribute to IMDb also, but my identity is secret.
- At the IMDb, "Varlaam" is only associated with opinion, my film reviews or comments. For facts, like plot summaries, I used other names. So at times, for one film, I have opinion there as Varlaam and fact as one of my 8 or 10 other names.
- I contribute to IMDb also, but my identity is secret.
- I am guessing that you are having fun with me because I wrote Anexo:Os 100 livros do século do Le Monde two years ago.
- But I don't think I ever found a film with Pres. Vargas in it.
- Some people I specifically tried to find. I wanted to create the page for Gandhi, but I needed to find a documentary with Gandhi footage in it. And that took me a while to find.
- Or the Zapruder film of the John Kennedy assassination. That is my original research too.
- But now I am interested more in fiction films, because of the enwiki WP page.
- Trust me. Your English is very good. Your English is better than the English of many people who now edit enwiki. Eastern Europeans are not very good, because those languages don't know how to use "the" and "a(n)". People from India are fluent in the Indian version of English which is terrible for anyone from another country. It's like the movie Amadeus: "Too many notes, Mozart, too many notes." Too many words, Indians, too many words.
- Chinese and Japanese, again, not great. Those languages are very different from ours. People who are very good in English: Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians.
- Tropa de Elite: I think most people like violent films and they have since the 1930s. And Brazil has some real social problems; we all know that. (I go to Mexico City a lot; problems there are similar to Brazil's. I've edited Wikipedia in Mexico City.) But I don't want to watch Vidas secas again. It's heartbreaking. It's too depressing to watch. Give me Tropa de Elite instead.
- Central Station is famous but I've never seen it. To me, the famous older Brazilian films are Dona Flor and the one with the travelling circus. Jose Wilker, is that his name?, and the sexy girl.
- You mean Bye bye Brasil? So you like Bruno Barreto and Cacá Diegues (directors)? I like them, but I prefer Walter Salles, Fernando Meirelles and Cláudio Assis. I strongly suggest Assis' Baixio das Bestas (not easy to watch, too cruel). That "sexy girl" is now a nice old woman, Betty Faria.
- Yes, I mean Bye Bye Brazil, as we call it. But I don't think we see a really broad spectrum of Brazilian films. The US became really conservative when Reagan was elected in 1980, and the US has never really recovered from that disaster. The US being conservative affects their international perspective, and that affects the movies Canadians see, because of the control their distribution companies have over the Canadian market.
- I will have to explore your recommendations further. Thanks, I like things to investigate.
- Yes, that's right, sexy young girl Betty Faria. Hot stuff. All the women who were really beautiful when I was a boy are now grandmothers. Catherine Deneuve. Gina Lollobrigida. C'est la vie.
- You mean Bye bye Brasil? So you like Bruno Barreto and Cacá Diegues (directors)? I like them, but I prefer Walter Salles, Fernando Meirelles and Cláudio Assis. I strongly suggest Assis' Baixio das Bestas (not easy to watch, too cruel). That "sexy girl" is now a nice old woman, Betty Faria.
- Time for another cup of tea. Varlaam (discussão) 19h39min de 22 de agosto de 2013 (UTC)
- I prefer coffee. You know, I am from São Paulo, known as "Terra do Café" (Coffee's Land). Bye. Yanguas diz!-fiz 23h51min de 22 de agosto de 2013 (UTC)
- Finally, thank God, you are guilty of imperfect English. A rare event for you (wink).
- "Terra do Café" (Coffee's Land)
- That translation sounds terrible. Why? Probably a grammar book in Portuguese can explain it. "Land of Coffee" is good. "Coffee Land" is good. "Coffee's Land": no one anywhere in the Anglosphere would say it that way. "Coffee" would need to be a person's name, so Coffy's Land, which is owned by a man, Mr. Coffy.
- People who were brought up on tea don't understand why everyone else loves coffee.
- Coffee is one of my least favourite drinks. Coffee and white wine (other than retsina from Greece).
- But, on reconsideration, I love the type of Mexican coffee called café de olla. It does not exist in Toronto. I need to be in Mexico to buy it.
- Bye for now, Varlaam (discussão) 18h44min de 2 de setembro de 2013 (UTC)
- Maté. Does anyone in São Paulo drink maté, other than Argentinian immigrants?
- Finally, thank God, you are guilty of imperfect English. A rare event for you (wink).
- I prefer coffee. You know, I am from São Paulo, known as "Terra do Café" (Coffee's Land). Bye. Yanguas diz!-fiz 23h51min de 22 de agosto de 2013 (UTC)
- Central Station is famous but I've never seen it. To me, the famous older Brazilian films are Dona Flor and the one with the travelling circus. Jose Wilker, is that his name?, and the sexy girl.
O artigo Anexo:Os 100 melhores romances policiais de todos os tempos foi proposto para eliminação
O artigo Anexo:Os 100 melhores romances policiais de todos os tempos, criado ou editado por você, foi nomeado para eliminação semirrápida. Se não concorda com a proposta de eliminação, edite a página, retire o aviso dela e grave-a. Justifique, no sumário de edição ou na página de discussão do artigo, por que não considera válida a proposta. Remoções de aviso sem justificativa válida poderão ser revertidas. Procure melhorar o artigo de forma a enquadrá-lo nas normas da Wikipédia e sobretudo corrigir os problemas que levaram à proposta de eliminação. Boas contribuições. Yanguas diz!-fiz 18h35min de 22 de novembro de 2013 (UTC)
Monarcas birmaneses
editarOlá Varlaam, criei diversos artigos sobre reis birmaneses e guerras que se envolveram, como foram criados no meu inicio aqui na WP, você vai achar alguns erros neles. Agradeço a tua colaboração em melhora-los. Um abraço DARIO SEVERI (discussão) 01h32min de 16 de agosto de 2014 (UTC)